Saturday, September 28

They ask to withdraw Adrián Marcelo's professional license

Avatar of Julio Cortes

By Julio Cortes

07 Aug 2024, 17:37 PM EDT

The discussion that Adrian Marcelo had on Monday with Gala Montes in “The House of the Famous Mexico 2” has generated many comments that focus on the depression that the actress suffers from; the host told her that she was “diagnosed” and that she should not have been admitted to the reality. Now, a large group of people are asking for his professional license to be revoked.

The producer of “Hoy” says that Adrián Marcelo “does not fit” in the program

In the place The petition “Remove ID from” appears as a trend in the “Mental Health and Peace” section. Adrian Marcelo for psychological violence in The House of the Famous“So far, it has more than 157,000 supporters; the goal is 200,000 signatures.

“LCDLFM 2”: Gala argues strongly with Adrián

Isaac Gonzalezwho started the petition, described the reasons why he believes the comedian’s ID should be revoked: “Gala Montes is one of the people affected by the irresponsibility and psychological violence of Adrián Marceloa psychology professional who, instead of helping people with psychological problems, decides to abuse them even more.”

Adrián, 34, studied Psychology at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León; he also has a postgraduate degree in International Business and a diploma in Neurolinguistic Programming. This week is the “leader” in “The House of the Famous 2” and he is determined to win the competition, but his comments and strategies on the “Cuarto Tierra” during the last few days have generated a lot of criticism from the public (including artists and hosts), especially after he said to Gala: “Did you come into a game depressed, really? Did you come into this house with a diagnosis? You can’t stand it, that’s why they have to call you there to give you your opinion.” cereal“You lacked a childhood, you are sick, you should not be here.”

For Adrián Marcelo to have his ID revoked, there would have to be a complaint against him, with a subsequent sentence. In addition, the General Directorate of Professions, an organ of the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP) would have to approve this measure, with the comedian already out of the reality.

One of the people who saw the discussion hours later was Crista Montesthe actress’s mother, who said that, despite being estranged from her daughter, she has collected videos to defend her, because after the confrontation the Monterrey native told her Gummy that if Gala were to do something to him, he would be “arrested.”

Keep reading:

  • “LCDLFM 2”: Adrián Marcelo is the leader of week 3
  • “LCDLFM 2”: Romances are exposed at “movie night”
  • “LCDLFM 2”: Adrian Marcelo criticizes the “Hoy” program