Thursday, September 19

Joss Favela, with his balanced life

A year ago, Joss Favela was suffering for love.

“I feel much better now,” said the singer-songwriter from Sinaloa in a recent conversation.[Estoy] calmer; like that’s not what hurts me right now.”

Joss did not specify what the lovesickness is that is currently afflicting him, but he did clarify that he is in love, although he preferred to keep the identity of the person who now has him flying through the clouds a secret.

This is good news for this prolific composer who has recorded —by himself and other performers— some 400 songs. Among these songs is the one he released on Netflix, “Cosas mágicos,” the song that accompanies the Mexican edition of the series Love Is Blind, which premieres today Thursday on that platform.

In the aforementioned series, single people look for love and marriage without knowing what their potential partners look like. After its successful versions in the United States, Japan, Brazil and Switzerland, now the series, in which couples get engaged without having met, will have its own Mexican version.

“Magical Things” was a real challenge for Joss because, as he himself explains, he doesn’t usually write songs on commission. Rather, if the muses are willing, every morning he concentrates on writing about whatever he wants. By the way, love is not a recurring theme in his lyrics.

“I always write about things that come to my mind,” he said. “I write a song [canción] and then I see who it fits, but this one was the other way around, and it is not easy for me to write backwards.”

For this, Joss found a method that worked for him: “I started talking about the beautiful things that can happen to you. […]so it was a nice outlet.”

In addition to this single, the artist is promoting “Mis Compas, Vol. 1,” an album in which several of his friends participate, including Yuridia, Luis R. Conriquez and Codiciado.

The plan for this year is to record “Mis Compas, Vol. 2,” in which he will also have other colleagues as guests. And also to do a tour like the one he did last year with Jesse Uribe, although with more dates.

After all, Joss is going through a good streak, where everything in his life “is rocking the boat.”