Saturday, September 21

Tesla is under pressure and here's why

The electric car giant, Teslais going through a difficult year. Although 2023 It was a record-breaking year for the brand, which not only dominated as the most popular electric vehicle manufacturer but also led in sales with the Model Ythe most recent data indicate a decline in its performance.

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The company led by Elon Musk is facing a notable decline in its sales in two key markets: United States and Europe. According to data from JATO Dynamics, Tesla sales have declined 8% in the US and 13% in Europe during the first half of 2024.

You can read: Tesla offers attractive discounts on Model 3 and Model Y

Competition intensifies and Tesla stagnates

Although global demand for electric vehicles is on the rise, Tesla appears to be losing ground. Growing competition from new, more attractive and efficient models has begun to impact Tesla’s market dominance.

In Europe, where the brand had been a leader, its market share has fallen from 19.8% in the first half of 2023 to 17.2% in the same period of 2024This decline is due to the emergence of competitors such as the Geely Group, with the Volvo EX30, and the growth of Chinese brands such as BYD.

The Volkswagen Group, although it has seen a decline, remains a strong competitor with a minor reduction in its market share.

In the United States, the scenario is somewhat different. Tesla maintains a dominant position with a market share of 51.2% in 2024although it has declined since the 59.8% of the previous year.

The brand faces increasing competition from manufacturers such as Ford, Hyundai, Kia and Rivian, which have all achieved significant increases in sales.

What’s driving Tesla’s downfall?

The main reason behind Tesla’s loss of market share is market saturation. Although Tesla has enjoyed steady growth, this cannot continue indefinitely without a refreshed product portfolio.

Current models, such as the Model 3 and Model Yhave been on the market for several years and are showing signs of age. In addition, the recent launch of the Cybertruck has not yet had the expected impact, with significantly lower sales compared to the Model Y and Model 3.

Tesla flying vehicle
Credit: Tesla.
Credit: Courtesy

Competition has also played a crucial role in Tesla’s declining sales. German and Chinese manufacturers are introducing models that offer competitive features and prices, attracting consumers who would have previously opted for Tesla. USAthe solid performance of rivals such as Ford, with an increase of 48% in salesand the remarkable growth of Kia and Rivian, has also contributed to the decline in Tesla’s market share.

Tesla has tried to counter competition by cutting prices, a strategy that worked in 2023However, with an increasingly diverse EV offering and prices falling across the industry, Tesla’s discounts no longer have the same impact.

The company needs to update its product range and diversify its offering to remain relevant in a market that is becoming increasingly competitive.

To regain its dominant position, Tesla must focus on launching new models and keeping innovation as a central pillar of its strategy.

Consumers are looking for electric vehicles that are not only efficient and affordable, but also offer cool, advanced features.

Tesla’s ability to adapt to these demands will be crucial to its continued success in a rapidly evolving global market.