Thursday, September 26

Young people are betting on the future of electric mobility

The Nissan Formula E teamin collaboration with the research firm OnePollhas carried out a survey that highlights the enthusiasm of young people for a future based on electric mobility.

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This study involved 6,000 young people between 8 and 16 years old from Brazil, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United Statesproviding a comprehensive view of the next generation’s expectations and desires for electric vehicles.

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A strong commitment to the environment

The results of the survey are overwhelming: more than half of respondents want to drive electric cars to help protect the environment.

In addition, a 68% of young people considers the fight against the climate changeThese data reflect a clear commitment on the part of young people to environmental causes, and their willingness to adopt sustainable technologies in their daily lives.

“Department of Futures”: An Inspiring Campaign

Nissan Formula E’s latest marketing campaign, titled “Department of Futures”perfectly complements the survey findings. In a video posted on Nismo and Nissan’s social media, A group of children between 7 and 10 years old question the pilots Oliver Rowland and Sacha Fenestrazas well as team principal Tommaso Volpe, on the future of electric vehicles.

This creative campaign shows children demanding responsibility and commitment from Nissan, ensuring the brand delivers on its promises of electrification and sustainability.

One of the challenges identified by the survey is confusion among young people about what it means to be “environmentally friendly”.

Only 30% of respondents currently consider themselves green, highlighting the need for more education in this area. NissanAs a pioneer in vehicle electrification, Formula E has a responsibility to lead this educational effort, using its Formula E programme as a platform to promote the development of electric technologies and environmental awareness.

Tommaso Volpe, CEO and Team Principal of Nissan Formula E, stressed the importance of equipping the next generation with the tools needed to combat climate change.

“The survey demonstrates young people’s desire to help the environment through their choice of vehicles. At Nissan Formula E, we know we need to continue developing important technologies.”Volpe said. “Our goal is to ensure that these passionate young people can enjoy a better, greener future.”

Nissan has set ambitious goals under its initiative Ambition 2030which includes the introduction of 27 new electrified vehicles by the end of the decade.

The survey and the campaign “Department of Futures” They underline the brand’s determination to not only lead in the development of sustainable technologies, but also to meet the expectations of the next generation.

The young people who took part in the survey represent an important voice that Nissan is keen to listen to and support on its journey towards a greener future.

The study conducted by Nissan Formula E reveals a clear enthusiasm and commitment on the part of young people towards electric mobility and environmental protection.

With innovative campaigns and a focus on education and technological developmentNissan is well positioned to lead this transition to a more sustainable future.

The next generation is not only ready to embrace electric vehicles, but also demands a real commitment from brands to meet the environmental challenges of today and tomorrow.