Wednesday, September 25

Catalina Gutiérrez, the Argentine influencer who was murdered by her friend after rejecting his love

The disappearance of a 21-year-old influencer mobilized Córdoba, Argentina, the search lasted a short time, because the next day the car in which she was Catalina Gutierrez The car that was on its way to the bowling alley was found, the lifeless body of the Architecture student was in the back seat. The crime shocked society.

But What followed the discovery of the young woman has horrified many peoplesince one of his closest friends was arrested, so far he is the only one accused of the crime and the authorities’ hypothesis is that He killed her for having rejected his loveaccording to information provided by the Perfil Córdoba website.

That day, Catalina was going to celebrate Friendship Day in a shopping mall. She asked her mother to lend her her vehicle to go, but she never arrived. Her boyfriend notified the influencer’s parents that their daughter had not shown up at the place and sent them an audio where she told him: “My love, I’m going there to play bowling at Patio Olmos.”

At that moment the search for the young woman began, who liked to share content on social networks of the places she visited, her parties and also promoted content. All this earned her having more than 80,000 followers on Instagram.

Today in Córdoba, Néstor Soto got into the car with his college classmate Catalina Gutierrez. He beat her until she was unconscious, locked her in, set the car on fire and left her without oxygen until she died. He murdered her in the most cruel and perverse way possible. Justice must…

— Martín Dandach (@MartinDandach) July 18, 2024

Devastating news

Nestor Daniel Aguilar Soto He met Catalina three years ago, both of them – like the young woman’s boyfriend – were studying Architecture at the National University of Córdoba, they lived nearby and their friendly bond was very strong, they used to share many moments together and the influencer’s parents knew him.

Because the young man whom Catherine nicknamed “Nunu” was very close to her daughter and even often visited her house, the parents called him when they did not hear from her.

Nestor was at the police station with the girl’s parents and boyfriend when they were given the devastating news; the friend said: “Who could have done this madness?” and then hugged Eleonora, Catalina’s mother, according to Marcelo Gutiérrez, a renowned architect who is the victim’s father, to the media La Nación.

“He didn’t hug me, thank God, because I would have been disgusted after everything that happened, repulsed. But he was there, present. We filed the complaint at the police station and we were all there, and he arrived. What’s more, he arrived with his boyfriend. It was a horrible, macabre thing.”I don’t think something like that would have happened in any movie,” Marcelo said.

The investigation

Police tracked Catalina’s iPhone GPS, and they arrived at the place where the car with the young woman’s body was abandoned. But when they followed the trail, investigators discovered that He stopped at Nestor’s house and was there for about two hours..

The investigators interrogated him, after contradictions and seeing himself cornered, He ended up confessing to the crime and said that Catalina “was the love of his life”He was charged with simple homicide, but the charge could be changed to femicide and the sentence would be more severe. He is now in prison.

The autopsy revealed that Catalina died from asphyxiation by strangulation, although it was not confirmed whether it was with the hands of the murderer or with some other object used by the aggressor.

With this information and the suspect’s confession, the hypothesis is that Catalina went to look for Néstor, entered his house and He told her about his feelings, but she rejected him, which made him furious. and slapped her, then strangled her.

Realizing what he had done, he put Catalina in the back seat of the car and abandoned it in a desolate lot, then tried to set it on fire by pouring alcohol on it, but the flames went out.

Catalina had multiple bruises and burns, but did not suffer sexual abuse, according to the medical examiner’s statement.

Keep reading:
– The young Mexican woman found dead after boarding a taxi in Mexicali was strangled.
– Ania Margoth, the Colombian model who was harassed by a Mexican drug trafficker and ended up dead.