Friday, September 27

Wendy Guevara attended 'Aventurera' and left delighted with the play

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By Eili Cordova

Wendy Guevara attended the play ‘Aventurera’, in order to support his friend Nicola Porcella, and said that he enjoyed the performance, produced by Juan Osorio.

“I thought the play was beautiful, divine. Come, it’s an opportunity to come and see ‘Aventurera’, it’s something that was done with a lot of dedication and a lot of love. You have fun, you get hooked on the story. I’ve never seen this before,” said the winner of ‘La Casa de los Famosos México’.

Guevara told the media that he had always wanted to see ‘Aventurera’.

“It was divine, everyone danced and sang incredibly. I loved it because I came to see my Nicola, my brother, who I adore so much and who did spectacularly like everyone else, like Daniel Elbittar, Irina Baeva.”

The singer also expressed her admiration for the fact that there are young people in the cast. “Everyone deserves an opportunity, to work, and to get ahead,” she said.

Wendy Guevara in the theatre?

Regarding the possibility of entering the theater, he said that he would like to, but you must prepare very well to be able to be in a performance.

The influencer also added that she spoke briefly with Irina Baeva, who has received harsh criticism for her participation in the play, and congratulated her for the work she is doing.

Guevara invited the public to enjoy the performance and stressed that it is a quality theatrical piece that deserves to be seen.

The artist has become one of the most famous faces in Mexico. Since his breakthrough on social media and his participation in ‘La Casa de los Famosos’, Guevara has been known for his sense of humor, his originality and naturalness in front of the cameras.

In addition to that, he is a person who pays no attention to controversies and responds when he considers it prudent.

In recent months, she has been working on her own projects such as a podcast, she also works with Julián Gil and has said that she is willing to continue training to continue in the world of entertainment.

In addition to her projects, Guevara is also an activist in the LGBT community and advocates for the rights of trans people.

Keep reading:

  • Alfredo Adame says he does not recognize Wendy Guevara as a woman
  • Pride Month: 8 Latin celebrities who are proud to be LGBTQ+
  • Alfredo Adame says he does not recognize Wendy Guevara as a woman