Saturday, September 28

Ramón Morales said that FMF directors are also guilty of the failure of the 2024 Copa América

In an environment like that of the Mexican national team, where custom dictates that after failures, the coach should be completely blamed and that the directors always remain unpunished for their responsibility, the former World Cup player in the United States 1994 and Germany 2006, Ramón Morales, disagreed that the blame for the failure in the Copa América 2024 has been exclusive to coach Jaime Lozano.

In an interview with The opinionthe recently named greatest idol in the history of Chivas in a survey conducted on social media, highlighted that: “It is true that the coach must always be held responsible, and in this case Jaime Lozano, but I ask: why don’t we start to hold the managers responsible or share the blame for this failure?” I think they suddenly say, the coach was useless, we thank him, we value his effort, but he will no longer be with us and they continue to do so.

The Mexican Football Federation thanks and recognizes Jaime Lozano’s commitment and dedication. Today he finishes his time as Technical Director of the Senior National Team. We hope the best for his professional and personal career.

— Mexican Football Federation (@FMF) July 17, 2024

Morales was specific on this issue: “It is accused or pointed out that Jaime Lozano had no experience, that he should have had an experienced person at his side, So I ask myself, does the top executive of the Mexican Football Federation have experience? Do we know if he knows about football? Because what I have heard is that it comes from television, so how do they dare to judge Lozano’s work if they have no experience either?

Ramón Morales, with the sufficient authority granted to him by having played six World Cup matches, As well as nine Copa América tournaments, he was clear in his concepts with the intention of not confusing people with his assessments.

“At no time am I taking the blame away from Jaime Lozano or justifying him, not at all, he knew from the beginning the risks of reaching a position of this nature without experience and he assumed it with personality, but in the end the facts overtook him, but it is undeniable that when they tell you There is unrestricted support, it is unrestricted support and they assured him that they would continue until the World Cup no matter what happened. Then it was others who broke their word,” he said.

Jaime Lozano’s shoes

Ramon Morales also accepted analyze Jaime Lozano’s refusal to continue as Javier Aguirre’s assistant On the Mexican national team: “A very good question. I think we should be in his shoes, to know why he didn’t accept, what went through his head. We can say, out of pride, I wouldn’t accept being demoted, because I came in as a manager and then became an assistant doesn’t sound very logical.”

He added: “On the other hand, many would say, he should have accepted to learn and continue gaining experience, but people would end up assuring him and pointing out that he has no pride, who allows himself to be trampled on, then one would have to be in his shoes and in the end he made a decision that is in line with his convictions, that is what I believe.”

Aguirre should have already learned his lesson

#FootballOfYesteryear: The Mexican National Team played in the 2002 World Cup in Korea-Japan. Javier Aguirre’s squad finished the first phase undefeated and as sector leader, with 7 points.

They faced the United States in the round of 16, where they were eliminated by a 2-0 loss.

— Luis Miguel Guerrero (@luismideportes) June 13, 2020

To end, Ramón Morales referred to the changes in character that, in the two World Cups he directed, cost Javier Aguirre perhaps the opportunity to be more successful in the World Cups in 2002 and 2010, “I think that with time you learn from the blows and I am sure that Javier Aguirre will now know how to handle pressure better.”

Ramón Morales experienced one of those outbursts from the “Vasco” in 2002, when he was suddenly removed from the field in the match against the United States, when Mexico was losing 1-0 and Luis Hernández was sent in his place, in a move that to this day continues to be questioned as being ineffective and which did not help to change the fate of the defeat against the Americans in one of Mexico’s worst embarrassments in a World Cup.

“I still can’t digest that decision, I understand that Javier Aguirre made it thinking of what was best for the national team, but at this moment as a player you come out angry and I was angry for a long time, but now as a player I am angry.” As a coach I can understand things more, maybe I still don’t accept them, but I don’t understand why he did it, but I think he has improved, we all mature with age and I think he is the best option to take charge of the national team,” he concluded..

Keep reading:
-Former director of the Mexican national team assured that Jaime Lozano failed the exam at the 2024 Copa América
-Mexico’s national team drops places in FIFA rankings
-Mexican national team saddened by Jaime Lozano’s dismissal