Sunday, October 6

The July Birthstone: How to Activate It to Attract Luck

If your birthday occurs during July, the birthstone that tune in with your cosmic energy is the ruby.

For many years, it has been believed that precious stones and quartz have an association with our character and personality, providing us with positive energy.

According to astrology, our birth month not only matches our zodiac sign, but also a gemstone. And for those born in July their birthstone is the ruby.

Benefits of ruby ​​for those born in July

Invites passionate love

The ruby, with its intense red hue, evokes feelings of passion and love.

According to Life Style Asia, this stone resonates with power and desire, implying a great deal of emotion.

For those born in July, ruby ​​can help overcome any emotional or mental setbacks in life, attracting passionate love and strengthening relationships.

How to activate ruby ​​for love?

Full Moon Ritual: Place your ruby ​​under the light of the full moon for the entire night. This will charge the stone with lunar energy, enhancing its ability to attract love.

Heart Meditation: Hold the ruby ​​in your left hand as you meditate, visualizing a beam of red light connecting your heart to the stone. Imagine that this light strengthens your ability to love and be loved.

Provides protection against negative energies

If you need a guiding light that instills courage and strength, ruby ​​is your secret weapon. These protective stones not only protect you from negative energies, but also instill a sense of security and confidence.

How to activate ruby ​​against negativity?

Salt bath: Soak the ruby ​​in salt water for a few hours to cleanse it of any negative energy. Then rinse it with clean water and dry it in the sun.

Prayer for protection: Hold the ruby ​​in your hands and recite a prayer or mantra of protection, asking the universal forces to protect you from harm.

Increases energy and vitality

Wearing ruby ​​invigorates the body and increases energy levels. This stone helps you overcome lethargy and procrastination, giving you a renewed sense of vigor to go about your business.

How to activate ruby ​​to have vitality?

Solar Infusion: Leave the ruby ​​in sunlight for an hour each morning. This infuses it with the sun’s energy, increasing its ability to revitalize you.

Energy visualization: Hold the ruby ​​while visualizing a golden light flowing from the stone into your body, filling you with energy and vitality.

Stimulates creativity

Ruby is a key to unleashing imagination and creativity. It helps to fuel passion and break through any creative stagnation.

How ruby ​​for creativity?

Meditation: Hold the ruby ​​in your dominant hand while you meditate, visualizing a flow of ideas and creativity emerging from the stone into your mind.

Creative writing: Place ruby ​​on your desk while working on creative projects to stimulate inspiration.

Keep reading:
• Beware of quartz: which stones should your zodiac sign avoid?
• Quartz that helps you cleanse your karma
• Which quartz to use as amulets if you want success in your life