Saturday, October 5

Your personality could land you a secure job in the US: what companies are looking for

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By Samuel Gonzalez

06 Jul 2024, 16:00 PM EDT

In many cases, our families shape us with values ​​and a particular mentality. Among Latinos, it is very common to think that effort and education are highly valued in order to have a good, well-paid job. And although that is true, it is not enough. A new study found that Your own personality could land you a secure jobbeyond your knowledge, based on what companies are looking for.

Currently, it is taking place A new trend among companies is known as “personality hiring”Employers are looking for charismatic workers with formidable interpersonal skills, who are not only useful for activities such as negotiating with clients, but also have a valuable job in the office: encouraging and boosting the morale of their coworkers.

According to a new Gallup report on the state of the workplace, hiring managers They are looking for people who defend the corporate cultureToday, only about one-third of American employees say they are engaged at work and nearly half of workers say they are stressed.

“Personality hires refer to employees who were hired for their personality. Think about their charisma and ability to get the team going,” said Vicki Salemi, career expert at Monster. “If it were baseball, they would be on the top step of the dugout cheering on the team. They are hired for their approach to work and their attitude.“.

Monster, a job site, reinforces the presence of this current work dynamic. In a recent survey, these were the results it found around hiring personality:

  • Almost half of the workers, 48%, consider themselves a hire with personality.
  • Of these, 85% say they provide the ability to strengthen relationships with clients and coworkers.
  • Another 71% said they improve work culture.
  • 70% said they improve mood and boost morale.
  • More than half say they are enthusiastic about company-sponsored events, such as happy hours.

“They are the people on the team who can get along with anyone, especially if a relationship is in bad shape. They can fix it and turn it into something positive,” Salemi added.

As with many of these issues, there is another side to the coin. The survey results show a certain resentment towards this type of hiringespecially when a colleague they consider inexperienced or simply too talkative in the office is rewarded for their friendliness.

About 4 in 10 workers say they believe people are hired based on their personality They may receive opportunities and recognition that they do not deserve.according to the Monster survey. The results highlight that they consider the personality of these employees to be valued more than hard work or the technical ability to do the job.

“Someone who is more introverted may have a positive attitude about the work environment and high morale, but not be as outgoing as a colleague and might be ignored,” Salemi said. “They would say, ‘I bring the same or more to the table, and here’s this personality that’s thriving,’ but not for what they consider real work.”

The issue is generating controversy on social media, which may end up being a reflection of the feelings of the employees of a company, which must be careful about the management it gives to these employees, if it is based on hiring personality. Be careful, Your way of being does not exempt you from fulfilling your daily responsibilities, do not be confused. Having both characteristics could enhance your professional growth.

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