Thursday, July 4

Paola Sasso, the Mexican announcer who won over Latinos in the United States

Avatar of Ariany Brizuela

By Ariany Brizuela

01 Jul 2024, 15:40 PM EDT

Paola Sasso is having a good time in her professional career. Since the beginning of this year, the Mexican announcer has hosted the radio program The good, the bad and the uglya Spanish-language morning show on 104.7 FM, alongside Raúl El Pelón and Andrés Maldonado, with which he won the hearts of all Latinos in the United States.

In an interview with The opinion, Paola Sasso talked about her experience with the radio show, what she enjoyed most and how she connects with her listeners.

“I feel extremely happy, I am the happiest woman in the world, I swear. I feel very fortunate to be here in the United States on a show that is aimed at Latinos. I feel very fortunate to have worked so hard and I feel very blessed to show women that it is possible, that we can achieve all our dreams and make everything come true,” said the announcer, who said that she also feels fortunate to share the show with two colleagues who are very professional.

Although her experience on the show and in the United States has been very positive, Sasso also acknowledges that there have been difficult moments.“Making a change is always difficult, and I think that all the people who have had to come and live here know that. Even though you come for a better future, the work to get there is complicated,” says the presenter, who believes that these experiences are what make them connect with the program’s audience.

“People connect with us because we have lived through situations like this, but our role in the show is to try to make people enjoy at least a little while going to work or school. Things are complicated but you have to try to smile and that is what we show people,” he said.

Sasso believes that the biggest challenge for her during the program has been to demonstrate that women have a voice that needs to be heard. “This is my role in The good, the bad and the uglyto show that women have a voice and a vote. Everything we think, what we feel, how we have an important role in society and in the world. I don’t think it’s difficult, the important thing for me is to prepare myself to be able to transmit that to my audience,” she said.

On how the Latino public in the United States has received it, Sasso said it was incredible and that she was treated very well. “I have had a spectacular welcome. Here in the United States, people have given me a lot of love and have hugged me a lot, which is what comforts me and makes me feel the happiest,” she said.

Paola Sasso said she is open to all kinds of projects. “I’m happy to do television and whatever comes next because I came to the United States to work, to succeed and to give my best, to represent my country,” said the announcer.

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