Wednesday, July 3

AMLO celebrates six years since his electoral victory on July 1, 2018

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01 Jul 2024, 15:34 PM EDT

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he is about to declare “Mission accomplished” as he celebrated six years since his election victory on Monday There are already three months left before his term ends because his replacement by the future president, Claudia Sheinbaum, is guaranteed.

“I am about to finish, in three months I will finish, I will hand over the presidential sash and I will now be able to say: mission accomplished”, the president said during his morning press conference.

The Mexican leader said that, among other things, he was happy because the permanence of his movement was guaranteed after the ruling party candidate Claudia Sheinbaum won the elections on June 2.

“Among other things, I am happy because the replacement is guaranteed with a woman full of convictionsexperienced, an honest woman, for the first time in the history of our country, the president of the republic, Claudia Sheinbaum, will be a woman,” he said.

AMLO celebrates six years since his electoral victory on July 1, 2018
Andrés Manuel López Obrador celebrating his victory in the Zócalo of Mexico City on July 1, 2018.
Credit: Moises Castillo | AP

López Obrador thus celebrated the sixth anniversary of his victory in the elections of July 1, 2018, after having tried on two previous occasions to become president of the country.

“Six years ago the people of Mexico decided to make a real changeto initiate a transformation in the public life of our country, what we know as the fourth transformation,” he said.

He said that this victory occurred after fraud and several attempts to become president, but he emphasized that he has achieved many things during his term, such as fighting corruption, which, he said, “was Mexico’s main problem.”

“This has allowed us to free up a lot of funds from the budget, which is the people’s money. for the benefit of those most in need,” he noted.

He said that salaries have increased “in a way that has not happened in 40 or 50 years,” and that there is employment, the Mexican peso has not been devalued and there is “a strong economy.”

“And the most important of all, What fills us with satisfaction is that poverty has been reduced in Mexico.”, he claimed.

AMLO celebrates six years since his electoral victory on July 1, 2018
Andrés Manuel López Obrador celebrates his victory on July 1, 2018.
Credit: Rebecca Blackwell | AP

However, he stressed that there is still a long way to go to continue advancing in the transformation of the country, which is why it is important to give continuity to his movement.

“Now the people have rightly decided to continue the transformation.”The mandate of the people to continue with the transformative model, the fourth transformation of the country’s public life, was very forceful,” he said.

He insisted that Sheinbaum’s arrival to power on October 1 “guarantees that there will be no setbacks.”

With information from EFE.

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• AMLO asks “not to miss” the debate between Biden and Trump where he says there will be attacks against Mexico
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