Wednesday, July 3

Activate this feature on your smartwatch to improve the quality of your sleep

Julián Castillo's avatar

By Julian Castillo

In a world where technology is integrated into almost every aspect of our lives, it is no surprise that our smartwatches can also play a crucial role in improving our health. One of the least known and most underutilized uses of these devices is their ability to help us improve sleep quality.

The Diary Feature: Your New Tool for Better Sleep

According to sleep expert Dr. Sophie Bostock, The diary function in smartwatches is a powerful tool for those who want to optimize their night’s rest. Although many smartwatches offer detailed data on sleep phases, identifying the causes behind sleep quality can be complicated. This is where journaling comes into play.

Using a journal on your smartwatch, or even a simple notebook and pen, can help you track and analyze habits that affect your sleep.By logging specific activities and observing how they impact your rest, you can identify patterns and adjust your routine accordingly.

Benefits of recording your sleep habits

Dr. Bostock suggests start with small changes to your nighttime routine, such as exposing yourself to more natural light in the morningeating breakfast within the first hour after waking up, or lighting a candle during dinner. By documenting these habits in your journal, you can evaluate which activities have a positive impact on your sleep.

For example, every time you accomplish one of these habits, you can check it off in your journal. This simple act of checking off can serve as positive reinforcement, helping you maintain new healthy habits. At the end of the week, you can reward yourself in some way, thus reinforcing the adoption of these beneficial behaviors.

How to use your smartwatch to monitor consistency?

Consistency in your sleep and wake schedules is vital to maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm, which in turn affects all aspects of your well-being. Smartwatches can provide metrics on the regularity of your sleep patterns, helping you maintain a more consistent schedule.

Although Smartwatch sleep metrics are not infallible and should be taken with cautioncan offer valuable guidance. For example, many users have noticed that drinking less alcohol significantly improves their sleep quality, based on data from their smartwatches.

Incorporating the diary function of your smartwatch into your routine can be an effective strategy to improve your quality of sleep. By experimenting with small changes and recording their effects, you can identify and maintain habits that promote better rest. Remember that consistency in your sleep schedule is just as important as the amount of sleep you get, and your smartwatch can be an essential tool to maintain that consistency.

Make the most of your smartwatch to not only track your sleep, but also actively improve your overall health and well-being.

Keep reading:
– What are the best apps for your smartwatch?
– OnePlus Watch 2: Get to know the new low-cost premium smartwatch
– Is a smartwatch right for you?