Tuesday, July 2

What's going on in New York with Uber and why are drivers upset?

Avatar of Julian Castillo

By Julian Castillo

Jun 29, 2024, 11:12 PM EDT

Uber drivers in New York are expressing growing frustration with the platform due to what they describe as arbitrary blocks during their turns. According to numerous testimonies, the app Uber is preventing drivers from accessing their account for hours in the middle of their workdays, which negatively impacts their ability to generate income.

The blockages, which occur without warning, have left many drivers in difficult situations. These workers depend on constant availability of the app to accept rides and maintain a stable income stream. Being blocked without a clear explanation, they not only lose opportunities to earn money, but also face uncertainty about when they will be able to resume their activities.

Uber’s explanation

Uber has responded to these complaints by stating that Blocks are a necessary measure to manage supply and demand on the platformAccording to the company, this practice helps maintain a balance that ensures drivers are not idle for long periods, which in theory should maximize their earnings over time. However, many drivers see this as a tactic to avoid paying a guaranteed minimum wage.

The company has implemented a system that disconnects certain drivers when there is an excess supply of vehicles in a certain area. Uber argues that this measure is crucial to maintaining the efficiency of the service and ensuring that passengers do not have to wait too long for a pickup. In addition, they point out that this system helps maintain competitive rates and avoid an overload of drivers in specific areas.

Impact on drivers

Drivers affected by these blockages see the situation very differently. Many they feel that Uber is prioritizing its profits over the well-being of workers. The uncertainty created by these lockdowns has created an atmosphere of mistrust and frustration among drivers, who already face a precarious and competitive work environment.

Some drivers have reported being blocked during rush hourtimes when demand is typically expected to be high and earning opportunities are greatest. This has led to suspicions that Uber may be using these disconnections to avoid paying the guaranteed minimum wage that has been set in New York City for ride-hailing drivers. Based on local regulations, drivers must receive a minimum of $17.22 per hour after expenses. Drivers believe that by blocking them during peak hours, Uber artificially reduces their recorded work time and, therefore, their total pay.

The relationship between Uber and its drivers in New York is at a critical point. The app crashes have exacerbated an already tense situation, and drivers are demanding answers and solutions. Meanwhile, Uber defends its position by arguing that these measures are necessary to maintain an efficient service..

Keep reading:
– Uber is paying $1,000 to stop using your car for five weeks
– Uber drivers don’t use Google Maps and this is why
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