Tuesday, July 2

Kevin McCarthy defines Biden as a guy who is closed to negotiating his resignation as a presidential candidate

Avatar of Evaristo Lara

By Evaristo Lara

Jun 29, 2024, 2:00 PM EDT

Kevin McCarthy, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, defines Democrat Joe Biden as a guy who is closed to negotiating a possible resignation from the Democratic candidacy ahead of the November elections.

The presence of the president of the nation in the presidential debate against Donald Trump not only raised doubts about his ability to seek re-election in front of the White House, but rather on the clarity of his ideas to continue making complex decisions during the months remaining in his administration.to which must be added the wear and tear produced when campaigning in some states where he must repeatedly address his supporters at rallies.

However, the Republican figure who last year became the first speaker of the House to be removed from office in the history of American politics, said that Biden is a person with whom one cannot negotiate, much less resign in order to continue leading the government.

During an intervention in Fox BusinessKevin McCarthy referred to the occasions when, as head of the House, he had to try to reach political agreements with Biden.

“When I was negotiating with him, I learned that you can’t negotiate with him. He only talks about cars. You have to negotiate with the staff“, he warned.

Despite the complex moment that Joe Biden is experiencing, at 81 years old he clings to another mandate. (Credit: Mark Schiefelbein / AP)

Besides, The Californian revealed that the one who really seems to cling to staying in Washington is the first lady, despite how tired the president appears.

“Joe Biden will be the candidate. Joe Biden is not going to give up on that. Because? Because Jill doesn’t want to give up on that either.

Your problem is age. That’s not even what she said. “It’s just the appearance of what he did, the actions of him, that everyone knows, he’s not the same person he used to be,” she emphasized.

McCarthy clarified that the only alternative for Democrats to name a possible replacement for Biden would be through his resignation, since his party’s rules require that the delegates won in the presidential primaries support him.

“They created this problem and the only way to get off the ballot is for him to decide,” he stressed.

Keep reading:

• Mike Johnson suggests removing Joe Biden as president through the 25th Amendment

• The presidential debate stopped interesting the public after losing 35% of the audience

• Campaign manager says Biden has shown himself to be the leader to achieve “the American dream”