Tuesday, July 2

José Luis Rodríguez 'El Puma' on his time on 'Top Chef VIP': “You reap what you sow”

José Luis Rodríguez “El Puma” feels satisfied with his work in Top Chef 3. Last week, the 81-year-old Venezuelan singer said goodbye to Telemundo’s reality cooking show after being eliminated.

In an interview with The opinion, He talked about his experience during the cooking program, the good and the bad, and talked about the discussion he had with Alicia Machado before leaving the show.

“I feel useful. I think they saw a part of me that they didn’t know because in a 10-minute interview you can’t know a person, but in this stretch of time, with cameras everywhere… Sometimes you forget that you have the cameras in front of you, but I tried to always remember that because it is very easy to complain or say anything and I have a motto in life which is: ‘forbidden to complain and forget,’” he said about his experience on the reality show.

Regarding his unexpected elimination, the “Dueño de Nada” singer assured that it was very beautiful and moving. “To feel that a man like Toño cry on your shoulder, from man to man, was very strong for me. I felt extraordinary love,” said Rodríguez, who assured that everything was a reflection of the love he gave during his time on the program.

“You reap what you sow in life, if you sow well the harvest will be good. It’s like a rubber ball that you throw towards the wall and it comes back to you. That is, everything you think, say and do you collect, whether bad or good,” he added.

Controversy with Alicia Machado

Before leaving the program, El Puma had an argument with Alicia Machado during one of the reality show’s challenges.

The clash between the former beauty queen and the singer began with a question that Machado asked chef Belén Alonso about a doubt he had about the test that both had to take as a couple and that, apparently, Rodríguez did not think it was appropriate and let him know.

Machado did not remain silent and responded to the singer without hesitation. “Let’s see Puma, you and I are going to start competing, so I have every right to ask whatever I want and I need you to listen to me in this challenge,” said the Venezuelan in the program.

The situation escalated and the two had a heated exchange of words, which made their colleagues uncomfortable.

About this encounter, Puma assured that he has always tried to stay away from scandals because he does not like fights. “I always avoided this because it’s not my style,” she said.

Puma won the affection of the public and his teammates

About his colleagues Paty Navidad and José María Galeano, the singer said that they are extraordinary people with whom he managed to establish a very special connection.

“Paty is a woman of integrity and very spiritual. She sometimes brings up very important conversations that are off-planet. I learned to appreciate her, love her and respect her. “She is a woman with an extraordinary voice and a very beautiful human being,” said El Puma about the Mexican actress.

“Galeano is the typical Spaniard who kisses you, hugs you and needs to feel…just as you see him. His integrity is the same inside as it is outside. In other words, he is not in a performance, he is a guy with impressive honesty and he is transparent,” he added about the Spanish actor.

Keep reading:

  • ‘El Puma’s’ daughter speaks out after what happened between her father and Alicia Machado on ‘Top Chef VIP’
  • Liliana Rodriguez ignores El Puma on her return to Siéntese Quien Pueda
  • Gaby Spanic dedicates an emotional message to ‘El Puma’ after his departure from Top Chef VIP