Tuesday, July 2

“El Gera”, head of the CJNG who supposedly walks freely through Zacatecas dressed as a military man

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By The opinion

Jun 29, 2024, 3:58 PM EDT

Organized crime has made the Mexican state of Zacatecas one of its strongholds, causing violence, terror and bloodshed; While the population suffers, some leaders walk freely through different places in the entity, as is the case of Gerardo González Ramírezalias “El Gera” and/or “El Apá”, lieutenant of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

According to the news site La Silla Rota, since March 2023 this criminal leader has been driving around the streets of the municipality of Nochistlán in armored trucks, doing so with complete peace of mind, without the authorities doing absolutely nothing to stop him, despite the fact that he has been identified as a target of the authorities.

In May 2022, the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) published the agreement where offers a reward of 500,000 pesos to whoever provides information that leads to the capture of “El Gera” who leads the CJNG in the limits of Zacatecas, Jalisco and Aguascalientes.

Gerardo González Ramírez, aliases “El Apa”, “El Gera”, and “El Güero”, is a CJNG figure who operates in Nochistlán and challenges CDS forces in Teocaltiche. pic.twitter.com/lsKAYXiKpL

— HEARST (@HEARST_BB) December 8, 2023

The above is due to the fact that González Ramírez was identified as one of the main generators of violence in the aforementioned area, and is identified as the person responsible for the criminal group in the municipalities of Nochistlán, Apulco and Jalpa, Zacatecas, as well as in several regions. from Jalisco.

Residents capture “El Gera” walking

Tired of the violence where they live, residents of Nochistlán are paying attention to what is happening recently They caught the criminal target walking in the municipal capitaldressed in military clothing, aboard cloned Mexican Army trucks, in front of Municipal Police officers and without being bothered.

The videos reached the aforementioned medium, which indicates that in a first clip the van in which the lieutenant of that criminal organization moves is observed. In the second clip you see “El Gera” and his escort in the cloned truck driving around one of the streets in the area.

“The sources consulted explained that the criminal leader went to the main square of Nochistlán, where He lives with the inhabitants, to whom he shows off a lion cub”says La Silla Rota.

For some residents “El Gera” is not a source of fear, they took photographs with him, because as with other drug traffickers, he enjoys the sympathy of the residents; For others the situation is different and generates fear.

Unfortunately, those who do things right are punished for it, as revealed by a source, since a “young boy” went to the police to report the presence of armed men, and “a few minutes later they went to his house, took him away and tortured him, beat him and that was what he got,” according to a resident of Nochistlán.

In this testimony, it was captured the link between organized crime and the policesince the same resident said that other people who have reported were kidnapped and disappeared due to “tips” from the authorities.

Keep reading:
– The director of a prison and 4 guards are accused of the escape of an inmate linked to the Sinaloa Cartel.
– Three Tabasco police officers were killed when they tried to search a van in which hitmen were travelling.