Sunday, June 30

Trump appears dynamic, but with lies; Biden had lapses, but offers proposals

During the first presidential debate, the former president Donald Trump showed that he has a dynamic personality, but also the ability to lie without a problem and evade essential issues, such as directly acknowledging whether he will accept the results of the November 5 election.

While, President Joe Biden, who reportedly arrived at the meeting with a mild flu, was less dynamic than Trump and there were even moments when he stammeredbut his answers were direct to the questions posed and he offered concrete proposals on particular topics, such as reducing inflation.

After being questioned three times about whether he will accept the election result, whatever it may be, former President Trump avoided answering with a simple “yes” or “no.”

“If the election is free and fair,” he began his answer the first time host Dana Bash asked him, before saying, “I’ve been a great president.”

There was a second time when he was asked and he did not respond either.

Bash insisted on the question, it was then that Trump concluded the answer that began in the first question: “If the election is free and fair… absolutely.”

In 2020, Trump argued that there was no fair election and promoted the idea of ​​electoral fraud, which led to the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Two worrying lies

Trump lied about several things, but they stand out when he talked about Democrats pushing abortion laws that would allow a baby to be “teared” from its mother at “nine months.”
This newspaper verified that there is no law or proposed law that contemplates such an alternative.

“You are a liar,” President Biden snapped about that statement.

Trump was previously asked if he would push for efforts to ban the abortion pill, but he said the Supreme Court had decided and he would not challenge that decision, and he defended that each state should decide on abortion. He acknowledged that he had to modify his position on abortion because it was “in the process of being chosen.”

Trump also lied about how crime in the U.S. has skyrocketed due to new immigrants, and that Biden was creating jobs for undocumented immigrants, “stealing jobs from blacks and Latinos.”

Regarding the first statement, the Brennan Center for Justice.

“The data do not support the idea that the United States is suffering from an immigrant-fueled crime wave,” Brennan said.

Regarding jobs, this newspaper confirmed that there is no data to support Trump’s claims that favor undocumented immigrants over black and Latino populations.

Biden stammers

According to an NBC News report based on two campaign sources, President Biden was at the debate with a slight coldhence his nasal voice.

However, that is not related to the moments when Biden seemed to “freeze” in his responses, act slowly and even stammer.

Former President Trump took advantage of a moment when Biden said something unclear about his actions at the border.

“I didn’t understand what he said, I don’t even think he understood,” Trump said. That moment has gone viral on social media and can be considered an unfavorable aspect for President Biden.
Biden proposes, Trump on the defensive

President Biden has floated a number of proposals for his next term in office, including making millionaires “pay their fair share” in taxes.

“The combination of what I’m left with and corporate greed is why we’re in this mess right now,” Biden said, noting how inflation soared during the pandemic in 2020, when Trump was in office.

He added that his government has promoted a reduction in drug prices and an increase in salaries.

Trump claimed he left behind a good economy, but did not offer any formal proposal on how he would reduce inflation, although he complained that he was not given credit.

“What we never got credit for, and we should have, is that I got us out of the COVID mess. [Biden] created mandates, which was a disaster for our country,” he stated.

This same dynamic of responses was a constant in the debate, where Trump maintained a more aggressive and firm stance.

CNN hosted the debate and also conducted a poll of people who watched it Thursday night.

The results reveal that the 67 percent of people said former President Trump won the debatewhile 33 percent said it was Biden.

Fifty-seven percent of debate watchers said they had no confidence in Biden’s ability to lead the country into a second term, compared with 44 percent who said the same about Trump.

Keep reading:
• Campaign manager assures that Biden showed himself to be the leader to achieve “the American dream”
• Biden and Trump criticize each other for their immigration records in debate
• Marco Rubio supports Donald Trump’s plans to carry out mass deportations of immigrants