Saturday, September 28

Encounters with immigrants at the border decrease by 40% and 24,000 have been deported in three weeks after Biden's order

During the first three weeks of the application of An order from President Joe Biden at the border has reduced immigrant encounters by 40%in addition to the fact that 24,000 people have been deported on an accelerated basis.

This percentage means that the attempted crossing of non-citizens and their interaction with border authorities have dropped to less than 2,400 people per day, according to a report released by the Biden Administration.

President Biden’s order, based on a joint rule from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice, also toughens asylum requestsin addition to implementing accelerated deportations.

“Noncitizens who fall under the asylum eligibility rule’s limitation and who do not establish a lawful basis to remain in the United States are being expelled immediately,” the Biden Administration recalls. “Those expelled are subject to a reentry ban of at least five years and possible criminal prosecution.”

The Biden Administration criticized Congress for not moving forward with the bipartisan border agreement and immigration that, among other aspects, would have allowed the allocation of 1,500 Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents and officials; 1,200 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel, in addition to investments in technology to detect fentanyl trafficking.

“Meanwhile, Republican officials twice blocked the toughest bipartisan border security agreement in modern American history, siding with fentanyl traffickers, human traffickers and, in their own words, Donald Trump,” he criticized. White House spokesman Andrew Bates. “President Biden will continue to lead, including taking action to secure our border and calling on Congressional Republicans to do their job and pass the bipartisan border security bill.”

Fewer immigrants, more deportations

Despite no progress from Congress, President Biden’s order, it was added, has allowed agents to redirect efforts.

“Border Patrol’s average daily encounters on the southwest border are below 2,400 per day, the lowest level of encounters since January 17, 2021, but still above the level that would lift the suspension according to the Proclamation and the IFR”, it was indicated.

DHS will determine whether to suspend the border closure when levels drop below 1,500 daily encounters.

It was reported that the immigration authorities have deported more than 24,000 people to more than 20 countriesfor which more than 100 international flights have been operated.

“DHS has doubled the percentage of noncitizens expelled or returned directly from Border Patrol custody,” it stated.

A 65% reduction in the number of people released for deportation proceedings is also reported.

“During last year, [ICE] has conducted expulsion flights to a variety of countries in South America and the Eastern Hemisphere, including Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Egypt, Mauritania, Senegal, Uzbekistan and India,” it states.

Keep reading:
• Biden highlights support from Mexico in new immigration policy and border closure, what does the plan consist of?
• Biden unleashes criticism for “Trump-type” immigration policy and will face ACLU lawsuit
• Biden will close the border, toughen asylum rules and apply accelerated deportations