Thursday, July 4

Actress Martha Cristiana resigns from the direction of Miss Universe Mexico

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By Julio Cortes

Jun 26, 2024, 17:57 PM EDT

A little over a month ago the former model Christian Martha She was appointed director of the contest Miss Universe Mexicoreplacing Cynthia de la Vega. But on Monday, June 24, she reported that she was resigning from the position, arguing that He only found denials from elements in the organization, in addition to a lack of inclusion.

At a press conference, the 53-year-old actress explained the conflicts that led her to make that decision: “Things have not been as promised. I find myself involved in a truly uncomfortable situation, where the answer to everything is: ‘A trans man? Not at all, zero’…I need to denounce this, because you know that all my life, no matter what it has cost me, I have always raised my voice, and even more so if it concerns my causes close to my heart, which is gender equality and inclusion. ”.

Martha excluded from her accusations Raul Rocha Cantuthe businessman who acquired 50 percent of the organization miss Universe and who treated her well. “Unfortunately her people do not dare to tell her the truth, and What is handled in the meetings is: “Man, 40 (years)? Very old, forget it. Trans? that is from the outsidethat’s not gonna happen. It wont happen, Christian Martha’. Exact words”.

Later, he made his resignation public: “I should not and cannot be part of an organization that is managed in that way, and for that reason today I present my resignation.”before all of you, because I can’t keep promising things I know of serve that are not going to be fulfilled. I hope this keeps my mouth shut, and that this board of directors has the intelligence to include a trans woman.”

Above all, Martha Cristiana defended the LGBTIQ+ community and inclusion of genre: “Beauty, if it is not inclusive, is not revolutionary. Beauty is revolutionary only when it embraces diversity. There is one thing that we must say and that is important: that there is transphobia, absolutely normalized in this country, and I find it embarrassing…My best friends, all of them, belong to the community. In my family there are more than two people who belong to the community. What am I going to tell them when the next day I arrive and they tell me: ‘It’s not happening’?”

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