Saturday, September 28

AMLO says that “the Statue of Liberty is happy” for the release of Julian Assange

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By Cesar Reyes

Jun 25, 2024, 3:34 PM EDT

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured that the Statue of Liberty, located in New York, is happy for the release of the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange.

“We are very happy for Julian’s release from prison, It was a very unfair thing, it was like having freedom and especially freedom of expression in prison.”, said.

“Now, also since I put it on Face, The Statue of Liberty that the French delivered at the time to the government and people of the United States is happy. “This statue that is in New York, the Statue of Liberty,” she noted.

“I had always maintained that she was becoming an empty symbol and now I see her even happy… She is very happy!”, he expressed.

From Mexico City, López Obrador celebrated Assange’s freedom while congratulating all the governments and family members who worked for the founder of WikiLeaks to leave prison. British high security after reaching an agreement with the United States Department of Justice.

“Congratulate Julian, his family, his father, his brothers, his friends, the millions of Mexicans and all the countries in the world who participated to make Julian Assange’s freedom possible,” he said.

In his morning conference, The Mexican president ruled out that he would communicate with Julian Assange and assured that the Australian journalist knows what the Government of Mexico did for him while he was in prison.

AMLO says that “the Statue of Liberty is happy” for the release of Julian Assange
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico.
Credit: Reform Agency

The head of the Mexican executive took the opportunity to read the letters he sent to Donald Trump and Joe Biden where he asked them to release Assange.

“They (Assange and his family) know what we did, both with President Trump’s Government and in President Biden’s Government,” he commented.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador is one of Assange’s main defendersto whom he offered political asylum because he considered him a “political prisoner” and whose family he met on several occasions.

Julian Assange will appear this Wednesday in a court in the Mariana Islands, a US territory in the Pacific Ocean, to finalize his agreement with the US Department of Justice.

Keep reading:
• AMLO asks “not to miss” the debate between Biden and Trump where he says there will be attacks against Mexico
• AMLO asks the DEA not to “put its spoon” in the reform of the Mexican Judicial Branch
• AMLO denies that there is an overflow of migratory flow in Mexico