Friday, June 28

Chinese numerology: know which numbers are good and bad luck

Chinese numerology is a system that differs considerably from Western numerology.

In the East, the meaning of numbers is based on sounds what they do when spoken out loud.

If a number sounds similar to a positive word, it is considered good luck. On the contrary, if it resembles a negative word, it is considered bad luck.

Next, know the meaning of numbers, according to Chinese numerology and which ones are considered good luck.

Number 1: honor and self-sufficiency

In Chinese culture, the number 1 is associated with the word “honor.” It represents isolation, independence and loneliness.

It is the only number that is associated with the Water element, symbolizing the ability to break barriers and adapt to different situations. 1 is seen as a powerful number that denotes leadership and personal strength.

Number 2: security and stability

The number 2 is considered good luck in Chinese numerology because it is associated with words like “safe” and “easy.” It represents symmetry and constancy, attributes valued in Chinese culture.

Furthermore, it is related to the element Earth, which symbolizes stability and determination. 2 is a number that denotes balance and cooperation, essential for harmonious and successful relationships.

Number 3: growth and abundance

3 is another lucky number in Chinese numerology because it sounds like “growth” and “birth.” It is a symbol of life and abundance, and is associated with the element Wood, which indicates creativity and the dawn of new opportunities.

This number is seen as an omen of prosperity and success in creative endeavors and projects.

Number 4: death and misfortune

Unlike the previous ones, the number 4 is considered unlucky in Chinese numerology because it sounds like the word “death.” Because of this negative association, 4 is avoided in many situations in China.

Buildings often omit the fourth floor and its use in license plates and telephone numbers is avoided. This number is associated with misfortune and is considered a bad omen.

Number 5: balance and ambiguity

The number 5 has a duality in its meaning. It represents the five elements of nature (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water), symbolizing positivity and balance.

However, in some parts of the East, “five” sounds like “no,” giving it negative connotations. This number is related to the element Earth and can mean stability or, depending on the context, resistance and opposition.

Number 6: richness and softness

The number 6 is highly positive in Chinese numerology because it sounds like the words “wealth,” “profitable,” and “smooth.”

These terms are used to describe comfort and fortune. 666 is considered extremely lucky in China, as it symbolizes tripled luck.

This number is associated with the element Metal, which represents money and conviction.

Number 7: togetherness and connectivity

7 is a lucky number because it sounds like the words that describe togetherness and connectedness in Chinese.

It is related to the Metal element, which supports the idea of ​​abundance in relationships of friendship and love.

The number 7 is considered auspicious for social events and ceremonies that celebrate unity and cooperation.

Number 8: prosperity and wealth

The number 8 is perhaps the luckiest in Chinese numerology. Its pronunciation sounds like the words “prosperous” and “wealth.” Because of this association, 8 is an extremely popular number in daily Chinese life.

It is common to see it at weddings, addresses and important events. It is related to the element Earth, which symbolizes stability and lasting success.

Number 9: longevity and motivation

The number 9 is positive because it sounds like “long lasting.” It represents longevity and is the only figure associated with the element of Fire. This natural element symbolizes ideas, motivation and truth.

The 9 is seen as a number that brings strength and perseverance, ideal for those seeking a path of success and durability in their lives.

Keep reading:
• Know what karma is dragging your name, according to numerology
• Numerology: your birthday reveals the personality you appear
• Numerology: what it means to look at your birth date repeated spiritually