Thursday, June 27

The 4 zodiac signs most impacted by the summer solstice 2024

The first day of summer is officially this Thursday once the June solstice occurs and if your sign is Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricornyou will feel the change of season more powerfully.

Astrologically, the beginning of summer coincides with the arrival of the Sun to the sign of Cancer, offering important emotional energy to the entire Zodiac.

This, along with greater exposure to the sun’s rays (remember that it is the longest day of the year), iIt will influence the mood of these 4 zodiac signsaccording to predictions from the Collective World site.

If your sun, ascendant or moon sign is one of them, check out below why the summer solstice will impact you the most.

Aries (March 20 – April 19)

For Aries, Cancer season beginning with the summer solstice brings nostalgia and reflection.

This is a time to look back and recognize how much you have grown. Emotional security becomes a priority, and this sign will feel more grounded and present.

Aries, known for their impulsive and energetic nature, will find in this period a need to soften and connect with their deepest emotions.

By embracing your vulnerability, you will free yourself from disconnection with yourself and prepare to risk everything for what you truly want.

Advice for Aries- Organize family gatherings or gatherings with close friends. Reflect on your progress and allow your emotions to guide you toward what you truly desire.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The summer solstice marks the start of Cancer season, which means this sign will be in the spotlight.

This is a time for self-care and listening to the powerful intuition that characterizes Cancers.

The energy of the solstice opens a path of opportunity, growth and personal expansion.

Cancer must focus on taking care of the relationship with itself. This is the time to explore his love language and nourish his body and mind.

Cancer Advice: Take time for yourself. Decorate your personal space with things you love and take time to pamper yourself. Listen to your intuition to make important decisions.

Pound (September 23 – October 22)

For Libra, Cancer season brings a deep desire to explore and broaden horizons.

This is a time for Libra to prioritize their purpose and focus on leaving a meaningful legacy.

The energy of the solstice helps Libra wear their heart on their sleeve, displaying a brave vulnerability that can open professional and personal doors.

Libra should take advantage of this time to make quality first impressions and be remembered for their emotional intelligence.

Advice for Libra- Get out of your comfort zone and explore new opportunities. Stay authentic and allow Him to guide you toward new connections and projects.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

The summer solstice activates the interpersonal sphere of Capricorn. This is a time for Capricorn to lean into sensitivity and let go of any detached attitude.

Cancer season invites Capricorn to express their emotions and intentions clearly and respectfully, which is crucial for growth in their relationships.

For Capricorn, this is a potential time for romances to blossom and connections to deepen.

Advice for Capricorn: Express yourself openly in your relationships. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and look for connections that nourish you emotionally. Honesty and respectful communication will be your best allies.

Keep reading:
• Cancer season 2024 begins: what it symbolizes for each zodiac sign
• 4 zodiac signs open a new chapter in their lives this summer 2024
• 3 zodiac signs will have the best summer of their lives in 2024