Sunday, September 22

They arrest a man at the precise moment he was dissolving a human body in Jalisco

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By The opinion

Jun 19, 2024, 11:35 AM EDT

One of the cruelest acts carried out by the drug cartels in Mexico is the dissolution of bodies in acidin order to disappear all traces of his victims and rivals.

This macabre way of disappearing corpses is carried out in places far from urban areas due to the smells that are given off, making it difficult to detect the areas where they are carried out.

However, Jalisco authorities managed to locate one of these places in the municipality of San Julián, at the precise moment in which a criminal was dissolving a body.

According to the Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office, the subject was arrested by members of the National Guard at a ranch known as Los Capulines.

The law enforcement forces were carrying out a routine patrol when they saw white smoke from a gap that leads to said ranch, so they approached and discovered the man, identified only as Tomás, when he was holding a 19-liter bucket, pouring a liquid onto the remains of a person who had previously been burned.

The suspect was arrested and an axe, a hunting knife, as well as two full gallons of gasoline were seized. In addition, authorities reported that various bones and clothing items were found at the scene, although the victim has not been identified.

“El Pozolero”, pioneer of this macabre technique

Although there are several cartels that have dissolved the bodies of people to disappear them, this is a technique that was implemented for the first time by the Tijuana Cartel.

A member of that criminal organization identified as Santiago Meza Lópezalias “The Pozolero”dedicated himself to dissolving corpses for the Arellano Félix cartel for years, and although he mentioned at least 300 cases, his victims could be counted in the thousands.

His capture occurred on January 23, 2009, but it is expected that he began disposing of bodies for the cartel since 1984, and since that year there were 16 homes in which he did this macabre work, all located on the outskirts of Tijuana, Baja California.

The authorities were able to rescue bone fragments in some properties, however, in others that were two or three-story buildings the same was not the case, because they placed their waste vats in them and threw them into the drainage from where no bodies were rescued.

Keep reading:
– They give a new sentence to “El Pozolero”, a man from the Tijuana Cartel who dissolved bodies to disappear them.
– US judge did not show compassion and ratified sentence against a member of the Arellano Félix who dissolved bodies.