Sunday, October 6

Hacks to WhatsApp accounts have skyrocketed 675% so far in 2024

Julián Castillo's avatar

By Julian Castillo

Jun 17, 2024, 6:47 PM EDT

A new report reveals a worrying increase in hacking attempts on WhatsApp accounts, which have skyrocketed by 675% so far in 2024. This alarming trend highlights the need to increase security measures and educate users about the various tactics used by cybercriminals to compromise their accounts.

Hacking Methods Used

Hackers use a variety of sophisticated methods to access WhatsApp accounts. Among the most common are:

1. Social Engineering and Phishing

Attackers send deceptive messages that appear to come from known contacts or from the platform itself, requesting verification codes or malicious links. By providing this data, users unknowingly hand over control of their accounts to hackers.

2. Call Forwarding

One particularly insidious tactic involves use of machine interface (MMI) codes that users dial unknowingly, redirecting your calls to the attacker’s number. This allows hackers to obtain the verification code necessary to access the account.

3. Malware and Spyware

Cybercriminals also use malware embedded in messages and links, as well as spy applications that are installed on victims’ devices. These malware can record conversations and activities, sending this information directly to hackers.

4. WhatsApp Web

Another technique involves tricking users into scanning fake QR codes that allow attackers to access their accounts via WhatsApp Web.

Increased vulnerability with new features

The implementation of new features in WhatsApp, such as The ability to use one account on multiple devices simultaneously has increased opportunities for hackers to compromise accounts.. This feature, while convenient, has made it easier for attackers to stay logged into an account without being detected by the primary user.

Recommended protective measures

In the face of this wave of attacks, it is crucial that users take proactive measures to protect their accounts:

1. Enable two-step verification: Enabling this feature adds an extra layer of security, requiring a PIN in addition to the usual verification code to access the account. This measure can make unauthorized access significantly more difficult.

2. Be cautious with unknown messages: Avoiding interacting with messages, links or files from unknown or suspicious numbers is essential to reduce the risk of falling into phishing traps or installing malware.

3. Keep privacy settings up to date: Regularly reviewing and updating WhatsApp privacy settings can limit the exposure of personal information to potential attackers.

4. Use of security applications: Implementing mobile security solutions that detect and block threats can be an effective defense against spyware and malware. Tools like Bitdefender Scamio can help identify and prevent potential scams on the platform.

The drastic increase in hacking attempts on WhatsApp accounts is a clear sign that users must be more vigilant and adopt robust security measures. With the increase in cyber threats, education and prevention become essential tools to protect our personal information and maintain the integrity of our digital communications.

Keep reading:
– How to recover your WhatsApp account if it has been hacked
– 5 New functions coming to WhatsApp in June
– Avoid this new scam method on WhatsApp