Wednesday, June 26

Biden warns that Trump could select two more Supreme Court justices if he returns to the White House

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By The opinion

Jun 16, 2024, 18:59 PM EDT

President Joe Biden warned of the possibility of former President Donald Trump appointing two new Supreme Court justices if he wins the presidency in November.

“The next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees, two more,” Biden said at a campaign fundraiser in Los Angeles, adding that Trump had already appointed two judges who are “very negative.” in terms of the rights of individuals.”

“I think that’s one of the scariest parts,” Biden said.

At the fundraising event, the president participated in a discussion with comedian Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama that addressed various policy topics. Kimmel noted that almost two years ago, conservative judges appointed by Trump played a critical role in overturning Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that guaranteed a constitutional right to access abortion.

“These threats to abortion rights, women’s rights, and even birth control and IVF are no longer in our liberal imagination.”Kimmel said.

“They are very real, and these decisions, these very personal and intimate decisions, are now being made by nine unelected judges, one of whom flies his flag upside down. “One of the others is traveling with a $267,000 gift during the holidays,” the comedian added, referring to controversies surrounding conservative Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, who came under scrutiny for previously undisclosed trips. made by a Republican Party megadonor.

“And I think we’re all wondering: What can we do about it?” -Kimmel asked.

“Elect me again,” Biden said, adding that the Supreme Court “has never been as lopsided as it is today.”

According to the US Constitution, The president appoints Supreme Court justices and federal judges for life.but the Senate must ratify his election by a vote.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump won the support of traditional conservative voters by promising to appoint judges who shared their values. And that electoral base thanks him for having fulfilled his promise.

Thanks to the Republican majority in the Senate, Trump managed to appoint 160 judges, including two to the Supreme Court, of the 860 positions, according to the official Federal Judicial Center website.

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