Sunday, June 16

Median home price in California breaks $900,000 barrier

Ricardo Roura Avatar

By Ricardo Roura

May 22, 2024, 10:00 PM EDT

For the first time, Median home price in California exceeds $900,000according to data from the Golden State Association of Real Estate Agencies.

The figures for April 2024 They are 11% higher compared to those reported in April 2023which shows the difficulty of having a property to live in California.

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If this trend continues this year, specialists estimated that the average price of a home in California could be above $1 million next year.

Consumer Affairs researchers compiled a list of the most affordable big cities to live in the United States. The affordability score was calculated using cost of living, income and unemployment data, as well as considering tax figures.

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On the list, The first California city to appear is Sacramento, which ranked 86thwhile Los Angeles barely made the list, ranking 98th.

The other California cities that were considered are: Modesto (87), Bakersfield (88), Oakland (89), Stockton (90), San Diego (92) and San Francisco (94).

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According to Consumer Affairs, Knoxville, Tennessee, It is the cheapest major city to live in the United Statess.

No West Coast city made it into the top 10 cheapest.

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