Friday, September 20

You shouldn't have these things at home because they are bad luck.

In the spiritual world, it is believed that certain objects and elements can attract bad luck or negative energies to your home.

For those looking to maintain a positive and harmonious atmosphere in their living space, it is important to know What things should be avoided at home according to Feng Shui and astrology.

1. Broken Mirrors

According to popular belief, broken mirrors can bring bad luck and represent a distorted reflection of reality.

In Feng Shui, it is believed that broken mirrors can attract negative energies and block the flow of positive energy in your home.

To avoid this problem, it is advisable to discard any broken mirrors and keep the mirrors clean and in good condition.

2. Dead or wilted plants

Plants are symbols of life and growth, so having dead or withered plants at home can be considered a sign of stagnation or decay.

It is believed that dead plants can absorb negative energy and create an unhealthy environment in your home. It is important to properly care for and maintain your plants to ensure a flow of positive energy in your living space.

3. Broken or damaged items

Broken or damaged objects can represent a state of disorder and imbalance in your home.

In Feng Shui, it is believed that these objects can attract bad luck and block the flow of positive energy in your life. It is important to repair or dispose of any broken objects to maintain a harmonious and positive environment in your home.

4. Objects of bad taste or bad vibes

According to astrology, certain objects can have negative energies associated with them due to their origin or history.

For example, objects that have been obtained dishonestly or that are linked to negative events can carry bad vibes.

It is important to avoid having objects of bad taste or with bad vibes in your home to ensure a positive and balanced environment.

5. Stopped clocks

It is believed that stopped clocks can represent stagnation in your life and block the flow of positive energy. It is considered that stopped clocks can attract bad luck and create an environment of procrastination and lack of progress in your home.

It’s important to make sure all the clocks in your home are working to maintain a sense of movement and progress.

6. Objects with negative energy

According to astrology, certain objects can carry negative energies with them due to their history or previous use.

It is important to clean and purify any object that may have negative energy before bringing it into your home.

This can include second-hand items, antiques, or gifts from people with negative energies. Purifying these objects can help prevent them from bringing bad luck or negative energy to your home.

Keep reading:
• Mirrors in Feng Shui: where to put them and what they should not reflect
• How to use Chinese coins to attract money: discover how to activate their power
• 5 positive plants for the home that attract good luck