Monday, May 20

With this ritual you can break the ties of a karmic relationship

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By Miguel Angel Castillo

09 May 2024, 17:43 PM EDT

When a relationship comes to an end, whether friendly or loving, it is important to close that chapter in order to move forward.

However, many times There remain energetic ties that keep us tied to the past and prevent us from moving forward.

To help you in this liberation process, we present to you a powerful ritual to cut those ties with a person and cleanse yourself spiritually.

What are karmic energy bonds?

Energetic bonds are subtle connections that form between two people when they share intense emotional experiences, such as in a romantic relationship or close friendship.

These bonds can continue to affect us even after the relationship has ended, causing emotional blocks and hindering our personal growth.

They are said to be karmic when this relationship ended teach us a lesson that we never learned from the past.

Steps to perform the ritual

Step 1. Gather the materials

Find a quiet place where you can perform the ritual without distractions.
Gather the necessary materials: an orange candle, paper and pencil, some scissors, and a journal to keep track of your feelings.

Step 2. Write and manifest

Write the name of the person you want to cut ties with on a piece of paper.
Light the orange candle and visualize a bright light surrounding you, protecting you.

Step 3. Burning the paper

Hold the paper over the candle flame and let it burn completely.
As the paper consumes, say out loud: “I release the energy of (name of person) from my aura.”

Step 4. Cut the bow

Take a piece of thread and cut a piece with scissors while visualizing how the energetic ties with the person are cut.
Feel yourself freeing yourself from their influence and regaining your personal power.

Step 5. Recite affirmations

After the ritual, repeat positive affirmations to reinforce your release, such as: “I am free of my ex’s energy” or “I am grateful to have closed this cycle.”
Write down your feelings and observations in your journal to keep track of your healing process.

Performing a ritual to cut ties with a person can be an important step in your healing and personal growth process.

Remember that the ritual is a gradual process and you may not see immediate results, but over time you will feel how you free yourself from the negative energy of the past and regain your emotional well-being. Free yourself from the past and begin a new stage full of positive energy and empowerment.

Keep reading:
• 5 rituals that help you close love cycles
• Love spells: what they are for and how effective they are
• Mhoni Vidente reveals a powerful ritual to reverse everything negative in your life