Friday, May 17

Sebastián Rulli and Angelique Boyer unleash pregnancy rumors with a mysterious video on social media

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By Castle Pillar

May 2, 2024, 2:19 PM EDT

Sebastian Rulli and Angelique Boyer They have been crowned as one of the strongest couples in the world of entertainmentbecause for more than a decade of relationship they have stayed out of scandals and with the fixed goal of not letting the disputes affect them.

It is this stability that, for many years, has kept them the target of questions about marriage and children, something that for them, and according to multiple statements, is ruled out.

“We don’t believe in marriage as a document so I think the next step for us is to live together but there is no rush.”said Angelique Boyer in an interview several years ago. “Your house is my house, my house is your house, we share everything, we share absolutely everything, but I do believe that it is a next step that we are going to take with the necessary time, there is no rush.”

However, Everything seems to indicate that this situation has changed, since a video on social networks has sparked rumors about a possible pregnancy.

The visual audio that soon went viral was published by the account @novelasrulliboyer on TikTok and it shows the couple walking with some children hand in hand. The detail that caught the attention of Internet users was the actress’s belly, which according to some users, would point to a pregnancy.

And Angelique Boyer, who wears a look with green pants and a loose blouse along with a sweater, appears smiling holding hands with two children while Sebastián Rulli celebrates the tender interaction.

The comments on the publication were immediate and among the most popular reactions were: “What is that belly?”, “What, is she pregnant????” Her baby is going to be beautiful”, “Omg, but Angelique’s tummy” and “The tummy is already beginning to notice how happy it makes me because they are a beautiful couple”, reads online.

Keep reading:

• A preview of the series “The Strange Return of Diana Salazar” is released
• After strong rumors of separation, Angelique Boyer and Sebastian Rulli confirm that they are still together
• Is Angelique Boyer jealous of Sebastián Rulli? The actress responds forcefully