Tuesday, May 21

Searching Mothers Organization finds a clandestine crematorium in Mexico City

According to the database of the National Search Commission in Mexico, there are at least 114,000 in the country. the missing who have not been located, therefore, different organizations have taken on the task of searching for their own relatives, one of them is the Searching Mothers of Sonora Collective.

To make the situation more complex, Added to this is the discovery of at least 5,696 clandestine graves in 570 municipalities of the country, almost one per day since 2007, However, now activist Cecilia Flores, founder of the Searching Mothers Collective, reported that a clandestine crematorium was located in the east of Mexico City.

Flores, who is looking for his sons Alejandro Guadalupe, missing since October 30, 2015 in Los Mochis, in the northern state of Sinaloa, and Marco Antonio, missing since May 4, 2019 in Bahía de Kino, Sonora, specified that The discovery occurred between the limits of the municipalities of Tláhuac and Iztapalapa, where they found women’s credentials and minors’ notebooks.

We found human remains in Mexico City, Searching mothers had asked me to come, and yes, we found a clandestine crematorium, and what hurts more, women’s INE credentials and children’s notebooks.

. pic.twitter.com/pdhdJttlQs

— Ceci Flores 6623415616 (@CeciPatriciaF) April 30, 2024

“We found a clandestine crematorium, apparently they have been cremating bodies for a long time in the vicinity of Iztapalapa and Tláhuac in Mexico City,” Flores said in a message on the social network X.

“We have been working in this place for two days, we found human remains in clandestine graves, we are going to notify the authorities (…) searching mothers had asked me to come, and yes, we found a clandestine crematorium, and What hurts the most, women’s credentials and children’s notebooks“, he explained.

Typically, these types of crematoriums are artisanal ovens that are located on land full of weeds and with garbage dump characteristics, so identification usually takes months.

Given this, Cecilia Flores herself said that, “We hope that with the technology that the authorities have, they can do something to locate what is left of some people here, some remains that can be analyzed and a positive result may come out,” said the founder of the Searching Mothers of Sonora Collective.

He added that “the authorities will come, and many families will surely be reunited. Thank you to everyone who told me where there could be remains and I repeat, I am not looking for justice, just for a mother to know where to tuck her son in for the last time; I want to cry, this country is not good.”

A clandestine crematorium among the mountains of Iztapalapa.

It breaks my soul to find so many children’s and women’s clothes around that scene, to imagine that this could have been their fate and to think that those ashes will probably never be able to tell us who they are.

That God protect us. pic.twitter.com/dqRkLk877v

— Ceci Flores 6623415616 (@CeciPatriciaF) May 1, 2024

On March 18, Flores held a protest outside the National Palace while President Andrés Manuel López Obrador gave his daily conference and demanded that the president “take care of the missing.”

As part of his protest against the Mexican Government, Flores sought to give López Obrador a shovel that he has used to search for the bodies of his missing children in different parts of the country.

Before, At the end of February and ahead of the elections on June 2, the activist asked the three candidates for the presidency of Mexico to make an agreement with drug trafficking in order to stop the crisis of missing persons in Mexico that seems to have no end.

Searching Mothers is what thousands of women are known in Mexico who travel throughout the country in the hope of finding their missing children, many of them in clandestine graves.

*With information from EFE.