Thursday, October 3

Voters doubt Biden's leadership and favor Trump, new poll finds

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By Maria Ortiz

02 Mar 2024, 17:57 PM EST

President Joe Biden is struggling to overcome doubts about his leadership and widespread dissatisfaction about the direction of the nation, leaving him behind Donald Trump just as the 2024 election race is about to begin, according to a new survey conducted by The New York Times and Siena College.

The survey offers a series of warning signs for President Biden about weaknesses within the Democratic coalition, including among women, Black and Latino voters.

Until now, It is Donald Trump who has best unified his partyeven in the midst of an ongoing primary race.

  • 43% of voters’ support for Biden is behind the 48% who support Trump in the national survey of registered voters.
  • Only one in four voters believes the country is headed in the right direction.
  • More than twice as many voters believe that Biden’s policies have hurt them personally than those who believe they have helped them.
  • Most voters think that The economy is in bad condition.

And the share of voters who strongly disapprove of Biden’s handling of their job has reached 47%, higher than in Times/Siena polls conducted at any previous point in his presidency.

Although Biden, 81, faces almost no opposition in the Democratic primary, about half of Democratic primary voters said he Biden should not be the nominee in this year’s presidential electionswith strongest opposition among voters under 45 years of age.

For his part, Trump, 77, has the support of Republican voters, since 97% of those who noted that they voted for him in the 2020 elections said they would do so again and practically none of his former voters He said they will vote for Biden.

In the case of Biden, 83% of respondents who voted for the Democrat in the last elections said they would bet on him again and 10% noted that they will now support Trump.

And regarding the differences of opinion of the voters Regarding the two Republican candidates, The survey indicates that 77% of Republican primary voters will vote for Trump over Nikki Haley in the Super Tuesday voting on March 5.

However, Nikki Haley, Donald Trump’s rival in the Republican primaries, would have a better chance of beating Joe Biden in the presidential elections November than the former president and current favorite among Republicans, according to the survey, although the survey highlights that he has no chance of winning against Trump.

The New York Times/Siena College survey of 980 registered voters nationwide was conducted via mobile and landline phones, using live interviewers, from February 25-28, 2024.

Keep reading:

– Latino vote faces inequalities and could fall even further, report reveals
– Nikki Haley blames Donald Trump for the Republican defeats in the Senate
– Donald Trump places the governor of Texas on his long list of vice presidential options