Monday, September 30

They locate 7 lifeless bodies in Lagos de Moreno, one of the most dangerous areas of Jalisco

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By The opinion

01 Mar 2024, 1:19 PM EST

Lagos de Moreno, a city located in the Mexican state of Jalisco, has been famous for its beautiful architecture and tourist attractions, but these have been overshadowed by the alarming violence that is being experienced, and the most recent event was the discovery of seven bodies .

The site that was declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, has witnessed the ravages of organized crime, the residents have been left in the middle of criminal activity and it was they who notified the authorities about the discovery of seven lifeless people, six men and one womanas reported by the MVS news site.

When the police arrived they confirmed that the people had already died. “Six men and a woman were located at the scene with apparent signs of violence and gunshot wounds,” reported the Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office.

Because the violence is not focused on one place, the authorities of Jalisco are in contact with those of Guanajuato to find out if the fatalities belong to any of these entities, since it is worth remembering that the phenomenon of The disappearance of people is a constant in Mexican territory.

All this occurs within the framework of the beginning of the presidential campaigns in Mexico, precisely this Friday, the candidate for the presidency of the Republic for the Citizen Movement party, Jorge Álvarez Máynez, begins the campaign in Lagos de Moreno, in the company of the Government candidate of the State, Pablo Lemus Navarro, in one of the municipalities with the highest crime rate in the country.

A lawless region

Lagos de Moreno in recent years has been hit by a wave of violence, clashes between criminal groups and members of the Law Enforcement Forces are a constant, which has caused officer casualties. Even on-duty paramedics have been targeted.

But one of the cases that attracted the most attention of the national and international media was the disappearance of five friends who went to a regional fairwhich occurred on August 11, 2023.

With a friendship of years and a life ahead of them, the young friends went out to enjoy a night, they took a photo at a viewpoint and that was the last that was heard of them.

After days of reporting his disappearance, a video began to circulate on social networks. The five friends were gagged, on their knees, beaten. But something even more terrible was seen in the images, as one of the young men killed a companion while he was being forced by armed men.

Although the veracity of the video has not been verified, the clothing matches the people reported missing. Although the authorities carried out several investigations, searches and bodies were exhumed, the truth is that, until now, nothing is known about the young people.

Keep reading:
– Lagos de Moreno, the region of Jalisco where people have disappeared for a decade.
– Video shows the interior of the farm where they held missing young people in Jalisco, and it looks like a house of terror.