Monday, September 30

President of the National Border Patrol Council explodes against Joe Biden

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By Evaristo Lara

01 Mar 2024, 1:05 PM EST

Brandon Judd, president of the National Board of Border Patrol (NBCP), He attacked the president of the nation for his erroneous policies that opened the border door to thousands of immigrants putting the safety of Americans at risk.

During a press conference held in Eagle Pass, Texas, where he appeared alongside former President Donald Trump, the agent who represents more than 17,000 members of the Border Patrol sent a strong message to the current president of the nation.

“Border Patrol agents are upset that we can’t get the policy right to protect human life, to protect American citizens, to protect people who cross the border illegally,” he indicated.

He then thanked the strategy implemented by Greg Abbott, governor of Texas, to reinforce the border crossings and for the support that Donald Trump plans to give him if he returns to govern the country.

“Thank God we have a governor like Governor Abbott. Thank goodness we have someone who is willing to run for president of the United States, giving up everything else he has been doing to serve the American people. Mr. President, thank you,” he emphasized.

It should be noted that, even though President Joe Biden was also present on Thursday afternoon at the southern border, instead of attending Eagle Pass, Texas – considered the “epicenter” of the border crisis – he chose to tour Brownsville , Texas, an area less used by immigrants seeking to enter the country.

This decision caused the Border Patrol elements, through a press release, to describe their visit as “too little, too late.”

In recent months, Border Patrol elements have been overwhelmed by waves of immigrants who have crossed from Mexico. (Credit: Gregory Bull / AP)

In this regard, the 81-year-old Democrat accepted that greater financial resources are required to support agents focused on ensuring that nothing gets out of control on the border with Mexico.

“It’s time to step up and provide them with much more staff and capabilities. “We could hire 1,500 border security officers and 1,500 additional officers,” he indicated.

The reality is that not even doubling the number of border agents will put an end to a social phenomenon that requires a deeper immigration policy that takes into account the participation of several countries.

“He’s had three years to do something. And now that he knows that he is being badly hurt in the polls, due to the crisis he caused, he is now going to the border.”said Brandon Judd prior to Joe Biden’s tour in Brownsville.

Keep reading:

* Biden on the border: “It is time to act” on immigration

* Why the immigration crisis in the US became the crucial issue in the race for the presidency

* Biden and Trump visit the border with Mexico in Texas: this is what happened