Sunday, September 29

Biden calls on companies to end the practice of putting less product in food packaging and charging the same

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By The opinion

11 Feb 2024, 2:36 PM EST

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, This Sunday he appeared angry and scammed because the sweets or snacks are shrinking more and more during sports holidays such as the Super Bowl, which is being held today in Las Vegas.

In an X video in the run-up to the American football final between the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers teams, The Democrat takes on companies for reducing the size of packages and the bottles of these foodstuffs.

“You may have noticed one thing: sports drink bottles are smaller, chip bag has fewer chipsbut they still charge you the same,” the president complains.

“And as an ice cream lover, what makes me most angry is that cartons of ice cream have actually shrunk in size, but not in price,” Biden adds.

While you were Super Bowl shopping, did you notice smaller-than-usual products where the price stays the same?

Folks are calling it Shrinkflation and it means companies are giving you less for every dollar you spend.

I’m calling on the big consumer brands to put a stop to it.

— President Biden (@POTUS) February 11, 2024

The president emphasizes that the American public “is tired of being taken for fools.”

“I call on companies to put an end to this“, he indicates.

Biden points out that he likes to celebrate the National Football League (NFL) final with these snacks and that just as he is aware of the reduction, the public is also aware of it.

“I’ve had enough of what they call ‘inflationary shrinking.’ “It’s a scam,” he says in the video.

With information from EFE.

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