Monday, October 7

La Opinion Today: Biden and AMLO will negotiate new immigration measures

Avatar of Andrea Espinoza

By Andrea Espinoza

Dec 27, 2023, 17:39 PM EST

Probably, The last high-level meeting between Mexico and the United States will be on immigration, The governments of both countries will negotiate new actions in Mexico City, one part of a caravan of thousands of migrants seeking to reach the southern border of the United States from Central America.

The State Department confirmed that on Wednesday, December 27 Secretary Antony Blinken will lead a government delegation that will meet with Andrés Manuel López Obrador in the National Palace.

This trip was agreed upon by the two leaders just last Thursday, when Biden called López Obrador concerned about the magnitude of the immigration crisis that has led the United States to close several border ports in recent daysthe Mexican president commented on Biden’s request, however, he was not entirely clear about the topic of the meeting.

“Let’s see what he has to say, he asked yesterday that he wants to talk to me and he would be happy to, I think it’s normal, it’s not one of those for Christmas,” Andrés Manuel López Obrador

The State Department reported in a statement that the delegation led by Blinken will meet face to face López Obrador to address the unprecedented irregular migration in the region and seek the adoption of measures that allow the reopening of all border ports.

Hundreds of migrants left last Sunday in a caravan from the southern tip of Mexico, protesting against the “closeness” of local immigration authorities. They were granted transit permits to advance towards the United States, according to an AFP journalist. (STRINGER/AFP via Getty Images)

After the call between leaders, the Mexican Foreign Ministry said that it was López Obrador who invited the US delegation to visit Mexico in order to discuss in person matters of human mobility.

The United States Customs and Border Protection Office detained 242,000 migrants on the border with Mexico in November and detected a historic spike in undocumented arrivals in the first days of December.

Keep reading:

  • La Opinión Hoy: 10,000 migrants begin caravan heading to the US