Monday, September 30

Matt Gaetz sees serious damage to the Republican Party by expelling George Santos

Avatar of Evaristo Lara

By Evaristo Lara

01 Dec 2023, 12:33 PM EST

Matthew Louis Gaetz II, representative of Florida, predicts that the expulsion of George Santos from the House of Representatives could cause serious damage to the Republican Party.

After George Santos became the sixth legislator expelled throughout the history of the House of Representatives, Gaetz anticipated that this action will set a negative precedent because, although the former New York representative is charged with 13 federal charges and 10 criminal charges, he has not yet been convicted of any of them.

A few days ago, the Ethics Committee of the House of Representatives released the report of the investigation carried out on Senator George Santos and although it found elements to prove that he used campaign funds for personal purposes and his participation in fraudulent conduct that is attributed to him, it refrained from requesting to punish him.

“He caused his campaign committee to file false or incomplete reports with the Federal Election Commission; used campaign funds for personal purposes; engaged in fraudulent conduct in connection with RedStone Strategies LLC; and engaged in knowing and willful violations of the Ethics in Government Act as it relates to his Financial Disclosure Statements (FD) filed with the House,” part of the report’s conclusions state.

Based on this, a third vote was held in the House of Representatives to expel George Santos, This is because he had previously gotten rid of a couple of them.

Regarding this, Matt Gaetz mentioned that the report on which it was determined to vote to expel the 35-year-old New Yorker represents a violation of due process

“The fact that the Ethics Committee committed this incredible violation of precedent will cause serious harm to this institution for many years to come, because no conviction is now required.

Mr. Santos has not been convicted of anythingbut we have not even taken measures to expel the people who have done so,” he indicated.

Matt Gaetz’s concern is that other lawmakers could now be expelled from the House based solely on accusations. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Immediately afterwards He questioned why he does not exercise the same position towards other people whose guilt has already been determined.

“So while the Ethics Committee worked to expel George Santos from Congress, they don’t take action against someone who pleaded guilty to a crime?” she emphasized.

For his part, Troy Edwin Nehls, representative of Texas, referred to how dangerous it can be to expel a congressman based on still unproven accusations.

“Firing Mr. Santos is setting a very dangerous precedent. Never before had Congress expelled a member based on accusations. Accusations require no more than probable cause; an accusation is not a conviction“he emphasized.

Keep reading:

* Republican George Santos expelled from the House of Representatives

* House of Representatives Ethics Committee exposes crimes committed by George Santos

* Republican George Santos pleads “not guilty” to 23 counts of fraud and identity theft