Friday, September 20

Former White House doctor says Biden does not have the cognitive capacity to serve another term

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By Evaristo Lara

Nov 21, 2023, 10:34 AM EST

Ronny Lynn Jackson, former White House doctor to Presidents Barak Obama and Donald Trump, acknowledged his concern about his health and mental acuity. Joe Biden, who at 81 years old intends to be re-elected as president of the nation.

During an interview with the television network Fox, The Texan, who worked as a doctor in the presidency from 2013 to 2018, declared that since Biden’s time as a pre-candidate of the Democratic Party, prior to his victory in the elections, he had already warned about his limitations to serve as the nation’s top official. .

“I’ve been saying for quite some time, when Joe Biden was a candidate, that I didn’t think he had the cognitive ability to do the job. You have people around you who inappropriately encourage you to keep running because it strengthens who they are and what they do, but Our border, our wars abroad, our economy, is simply a disaster right now. And it just can’t do the job. Every day it is shown that he is no longer capable of doing this job,” he said.

According to his experience treating other patients with a similar age to that of the current president, but above all seeing how difficult it is for him to express himself without falling into some erroneous data, Jackson is convinced that Joe Biden has begun to show significant physical and mental deterioration.

“I think his lack of physical ability and his physical deterioration are now beginning to highlight the cognitive decline we have been seeing for so long.. It’s a package that simply doesn’t sell around the world and is becoming a national security issue for us. We have to do something about it,” she emphasized.

Some surveys reveal that Joe Biden’s advanced age has become an overweight for his aspirations to be re-elected as president. (MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

And even though in the White House, staff close to Joe Biden refuse to acknowledge it, The advanced age of the president is a concern even for a large sector of voters who would be thinking of opting in favor of another younger least this is demonstrated by the results of several surveys.

However, Biden clings to continuing his campaign to govern the nation for four more years, as he is convinced that he has the support of the citizens.

Keep reading:

* African American voters will stop supporting Joe Biden at the polls, report reveals

* Donald Trump leads Joe Biden with the support of the youth vote, survey reveals

* Poll reveals that Joe Biden has lost much of the support of African Americans, Latinos and Asians