Saturday, September 21

The US sanctions the “Butcher of Bucha” for his crimes in the Ukraine war

This Monday, the United States sanctioned Russian Colonel Azatbek Omurbekov, nicknamed the “Butcher of Bucha,” whom he accuses of having committed serious human rights violations in the war in Ukraine.

The Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, announced in a statement that Daniil Frolkin, a Russian Army corporal who allegedly participated in the extrajudicial execution of an unarmed Ukrainian civilian in Andriivka (Donetsk), was also sanctioned.

As a result of these sanctions, Omurbekov, Frolkin and their immediate family members are prohibited from entering US territory.

Blinken noted in the note that Omurbekov led a motorized rifle brigade in Bucha, outside kyiv, where They killed, dismembered and burned civilians during the Russian occupation of the city.

After that massacre, Russian President Vladimir Putin conferred honors on the brigade, promoted Omurbekov and praised his leadership, the Secretary of State added.

“The reports that Omurbekov and Frolkin were involved in serious human rights violations, documented by independent NGOs, are serious and credible,” claimed the head of US diplomacy.

In that sense, he claimed that The sanctions are an example of the commitment of the Joe Biden Administration to the defense of human rights and accountability for the war crimes that Russia would be committing in Ukraine.

We are designating Azatbek Omurbekov, the “Butcher of Bucha,” and Daniil Frolkin, his subordinate, for gross violations of human rights, namely the extrajudicial killings of Ukrainian civilians. We are committed to pursuing justice for the people of Ukraine.

—Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) November 20, 2023

The United States Government announced this Monday the sending of a new arms package, valued at one hundred million dollars, to help Ukraine in its defense against Russia.

Washington is the largest donor of military assistance to Ukraine with more than $43.9 billion delivered since the start of the invasion ordered by Putin in February 2022.

Colonel Omurbekov led the brigade to Bucha, Ukrainea, where the State Department determined that the 64th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade killed, beat, dismembered, burned, and carried out mock executions of civilians.

After accounts of the brigade’s brutality emerged, the Kremlin responded by issuing a statement indicating that the President of the Russian Federation, Putin, had conferred honors on the 64th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade, and the Russian Ministry of Defense promoted Omurbekov and praised his leadership.

Reports that Omurbekov and Frolkin were involved in serious human rights violations, documented by NGOs and independent investigations, are serious and credible.

By publicly appointing Omurbekov and Frolkinthe United States reaffirms its commitment to defend human rights, recognize the injustice experienced by victims and survivors and promote accountability of those responsible for human rights violations.

According to various agencies, the Bucha massacre was a mass murder of hundreds of civilians in the Ukrainian city of Bucha by the Russian Armed Forces, which participated in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and maintained control of the city between 27 February and March 31 of that year. According to various sources, during the Russian occupation of the kyiv suburb, by April 19 at least 420 civilians were killed, some of their bodies lying in the streets.

*With information from EFE

Keep reading:
• Volodimir Zelensky assures that Trump cannot resolve the conflict between Ukraine and Russia
• Vladimir Putin visits barracks of Russian troops on the Kherson and Lugansk fronts
• Vladimir Putin accuses the West of helping kyiv in terrorist attacks and sabotage