Sunday, September 22

Sheinbaum leads the survey with 66% of voting intention towards the 2024 presidential elections in Mexico

Claudia Sheinbaum, sole candidate for the presidency of Mexico for the ruling National Regeneration Movement (Morena) for the June 2024 elections, he leads voting intentions with 66%, according to a survey published this Monday.

After the political parties, with tricks, anticipated the legal times by announcing their candidates for the presidential candidacy, this Monday in Mexico the presidential pre-campaigns for 2024 officially began, with which the ruling party Claudia Sheinbaum and the opponents Xóchitl Gálvez and Samuel García They kicked off their electoral tours in the country.

For this stage, which serves for the candidates to begin their period of exposure to the general public and the militants of their parties, the Mexican electoral authority has an official calendar of 60 days, which begins on November 20 and ends on November 18. January 2024.

With García, licensed governor of the state of Nuevo León (north) and sole pre-candidate for the presidential candidacy by the opposition Citizen Movement (MC), as third in contention and also in the polls although far from the first positions, by 2024 it is anticipated that Mexico will have its first female president with Sheinbaum, favorite in the polls, or Gálvez, second.

The survey by the De las Heras firm this Monday gave Claudia Sheinbaum 66% of the voting intention towards 2024, that is, 52 points above Gálvez who has 14% and 60% above García with 6%.

Sheinbaum, former mayor of Mexico City, registered on Sunday as the sole candidate for the presidency of Mexico for the ruling Morena and its allies Labor Party (PT) and Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), which make up the ‘Let’s keep doing’ coalition history’.

While Gálvez, senator of the conservative National Action Party (PAN), was registered as a pre-candidate of the opposition Broad Front for Mexico, made up of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), National Action (PAN) and the Democratic Revolution (PRD) parties.

Sheinbaum leads the survey with 66% of voting intention towards the 2024 presidential elections in Mexico
Xóchitl Gálvez started in Coyuca de Benítez, state of Guerrero.
Credit: EFE

Gálvez gets up early in Guerrero

The first to go into action, in the first minutes of November 20, was Gálvez, who started his pre-campaign with the ‘March of Hope’ in which residents of the municipality of Coyuca de Benítez, state of Guerrero, participated, and that, along with Acapulco, was seriously affected by the impact of Hurricane Otis, which so far has left 49 dead and 26 missing.

“I dedicated the first hours to visiting Coyuca de Benítez where for weeks we have been working as citizens with the entire community. We visited it at midnight because there is another way. “Yes it is possible and yes we deserve a government that listens and is on your side when you need it most,” Gálvez said in a statement.

In the company of residents, who carried candles and torches during the tour, Gálvez called on his supporters to “don’t forget Guerrero, they still need us.”

“What we want is to help and we are going to continue helping them,” said the woman, who stressed that Mexico deserves more, such as well-paid jobs and real support for the countryside.

Sheinbaum leads the survey with 66% of voting intention towards the 2024 presidential elections in Mexico
The candidate of the ruling National Regeneration Movement.

Sheinbaum opens in Veracruz

For its part, Sheinbaum started from Boca del Río, Veracruz, where she said that she will continue the fourth transformation, political program and the Government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, founder of Morena,

We are going to continue with republican austerity, a rich government with poor people is not going to return, the luxuries of previous governments are not going to return and we are going to maintain all social programs and strengthen them,” he said.

Given this, Sheinbaum said that priority projects of President López Obrador must be defended, such as the return of passenger trains, pensions for seniors, the construction of the Dos Bocas refinery, among others.

While García, who will start his pre-campaign this Monday afternoon in the Plaza de los Tres Museos in the city of Monterrey, capital of the state of Nuevo León, has said in various places that he wants to be the president of Mexico and no more.

In addition to opening spaces for equality, she concluded by saying that “it is time for transformative and humanist women” and anticipated that Veracruz will have the first female governor in the person of Rocío Nahle, candidate for governor of the state for Morena and who accompanied her.

On Sunday, before the start of the pre-campaigns towards the 2024 presidential elections in Mexico, in which the candidates for the country’s presidency, senatorial and deputation offices, among other positions, will be selected, the National Electoral Institute (INE), in charge of organize the elections, called on all political actors to conduct themselves “with legality and commitment.”

In addition, he asked them to demand pluralism, inclusion and tolerance, and to eradicate all types of violence, especially against women.

In a statement, he recalled that in this first stage of the 2023-2024 Federal Electoral Process, political parties will begin to define the candidacies of 20,375 positions that will be contested in the June 2, 2024 contest.

Keep reading:

  • Mexican women will have more power than ever in 2024
  • Claudia Sheinbaum promises to continue with AMLO’s Fourth Transformation if she becomes president of Mexico
  • National Electoral Institute of Mexico calls politicians to legality before the start of pre-campaigns