Thursday, September 19

Rudy Salas runs against Republican for Congress with BOLD PAC backing

Avatar of Jesus Garcia

By Jesus Garcia

07 Nov 2023, 09:00 AM EST

Rudy Salas made history by becoming the first Latino member of the Bakersfield City CouncilCalifornia, in 112 years, but now he is moving towards another challenge: taking the seat in the House of Representatives for District 22 from Republican David Valadao.

“[Kevin] McCarthy and David Valadao are one and the same,” says Salas about the Republican, whom he points out for voting against workers’ rights, including high costs in health insurance and affecting veterans.

Salas’ new step is under the mantle of BOLD PACthe electoral arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC).

“BOLD PAC is proud to endorse Rudy Salas in CA-22. As a lifelong resident of the Central Valley, Rudy has been a strong advocate for clean water projects, universal access to health care and reproductive freedom,” said Linda Sánchez, president of the CHC BOLD PAC.

Sánchez recalled that Salas was the first Latino member of the Bakersfield City Council and that during his term in the California State Assembly he focused his efforts on benefiting the working families of the Central Valley.

“In Congress, [Salas] will continue to contribute to working families and will continue to fight against Republican extremism,” he said.

Salas was born and raised in the Central Valley; He worked in the field alongside his father; graduated from UCLA and then ran for office and for five terms in the California Assembly focused his agenda on reducing costs for working families, increasing funding for public safety, as well as supporting overtime pay for workers agricultural.

“In his last two years in the Assembly he obtained $290 million in investments dedicated to drinking water projects in the Central Valley,” his campaign profile says.

Their actions helped save the FFA (Future Farmers of America), in addition to helping provide funds so that more “nurses and doctors could graduate in the Valley.”

“I am honored to have the endorsement of BOLD PAC,” Salas said. “In 2010 I became the first Latino elected to the Bakersfield City Council and with the support of BOLD PAC, we have the opportunity to make history by becoming the first Latino member of Congress from the Central Valley.”

Salas affirms that his agenda in Congress will be similar to the one he has defended in the state Assembly.

The Democrat has not been without controversy, since in June 2022 he had to apologize for lying about his age on a dating application, where he said he was 11 years younger, after a user reported it.

“I made a mistake,” Salas acknowledged about the revelation of a local media outlet, The Sun, del Valle.

Keep reading:
• Democrats push new Latino cadres to Congress with an experienced leader and a young politician with BOLD PAC backing
• Three Latinas fight for positions in Congress and gain support from the BOLD PAC
• Latina challenges Republican senator in Florida and receives support from BOLD PAC