Friday, September 20

Gabriel Soto's house in Acapulco was completely destroyed after being whipped by Otis

Avatar of Juan Pablo González

By Juan Pablo González

07 Nov 2023, 10:12 AM EST

Mexican actor Gabriel Soto, who will play a villain in the soap opera ‘Vencer la culpa’, joined the celebrities who suffered severe damage to their properties after Hurricane Otis hit Acapulco with great force.

The gallant of Irina Baeva He spoke about what happened to his house during his visit to ‘Despierta América’. There she explained that the residence, to which she loves to escape with her daughters Elissa Marie and Alexa Mirandawas totally destroyed and devastated.

“As you well know, I have had a house there for 40 years and it was totally devastated, destroyed,” he said during his visit to the morning show from Univision.

There he explained that not only he suffered the ravages caused by nature, but also the workers in charge of taking care of his home, since they and their families also lost their properties.

“The people of Acapulco need us. We had people working in the house who, evidently, have families there in Acapulco and their houses were also devastated.

“It hurts a lot. Not only the hotel zone is devastated and destroyed, but the entire interior part. The people of Acapulco do not have water, they do not have food,” he stated about the damage caused by the hurricane that hit the port on October 25.

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