Saturday, September 21

Woman receives 30-year prison sentence for the death of her 3-year-old stepson in 2015 in Florida

On March 19, 2015, Hollywood police found Ahizya Osceola’s body in a trash bag stuffed inside a cardboard box. The medical examiner reported that the little boy suffered terrible injuries, finding bruises all over his body, cut marks on his neck, and that abdominal trauma from a blunt impact killed him.

More than 8 years after that tragic moment, Analiz Osceola, 32 years old, was sentenced this Monday to 30 years in prison.after she was found guilty last March of the death of her 3-year-old stepson in 2015.

The woman living in Hollywood, north of Miami, received almost the maximum sentence for the crimes of “aggravated involuntary manslaughter,” lying to the police and child neglect for the death of her stepson, whose body had numerous bruises when it was found by the police. Police in a box in the laundry room of his home.

Osceola was the one that reported the minor’s disappearance in March 2015when in reality he had beaten his stepson, Ahziya Osceola, to death and hidden his body in a box in the house.

The child’s father, Nelson Osceola, is also awaiting trial accused of the crime of child neglect, for allegedly failing to prevent his son’s death.

The child’s father and stepmother were arrested in March 2015 in connection with the child’s death.

In initial statements from the Police, it was reported that, after an exhaustive search, The boy’s body had been found “in a dark place in the house” in Hollywood where the minor lived with his father, his stepmother and two other brothers.

Analiz, according to his own account of the events then to the Police, heard the child grunting at dawn and when he touched him he noticed that he was slightly cold, so he put him on the ground and immediately tried to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on him. , but he had no pulse.

Investigators said Analiz Osceola left him in bed even though she knew he had died. Detectives said that after the people in the home left for work, she hid the boy’s body.

Hours later he alerted the Police of the disappearance of the child, whose body was finally found in the house and He showed numerous bruises “from his head to the tips of his fingers.”

Marlon Osbourne, The medical examiner who examined Ahziya’s body told the jury that the boy had ingested fentanyl, cocaine and heroin.

“None of them should be in the body of a three-year-old child,” Osbourne said of the toxicology report’s findings.

Osbourne told the jury that he found the stepmother guilty that Ahziya’s body had “lacerations to her chin, a contusion between her ear and cheek” and she had suffered “injuries to the inside of her neck,” as well as a fracture in her a leg.

For his part, the father, who was first accused of “child neglect” and then released on bail, maintained during the trial that he did not know that his son was being abused until he was found dead.

*With information from EFE.

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