Saturday, October 12

Fed up with repression linked to Palestine, university students leave Hillary Clinton's conference

Avatar of Evaristo Lara

By Evaristo Lara

03 Nov 2023, 17:00 PM EDT

In response to their rejection of making public the names and photographs of students who signed an anti-Israel statement, a group of about 30 Columbia University students chose to leave a lecture given by Hillary Clinton.

According to information released by the newspaper The New York Times, The former Democratic presidential candidate was in the middle of a talk focused on the participation of women in peace processes, when several university students They began to get up from their seats and They prepared to leave the auditorium where the event was taking place.

The students in question expressed their rejection of the lack of support from the university to prevent In recent days, the faces and names of some of his classmates appeared on advertisements posted on trucks that circulated near the Morningside Heights campus accompanied by the legend “Columbia’s main anti-Semites.”

The images were apparently taken from a private server aimed at students at the School of Public and International Affairs.

The figure of Hillary Clinton is increasingly recurrent in the news media as the start of the presidential campaigns approaches. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

In his protest, The university students argue that the school is the owner of the copyright of the images and could have taken measures to prevent someone from accessing them and then making them public with the aim of exhibiting those who signed a published letter. through the Palestinian Solidarity Groups at school, where Israel is blamed for the invasion of Gaza.

“The burden of responsibility for the war and the victims undeniably lies with the extremist Israeli government and other Western governments. including the United States government, which finances and firmly supports,” stated part of the document to which the signatures of those who support said position were attached.

It should be noted that a few days ago, own Hillary Clinton expressed her conviction that declaring a ceasefire in Gaza at this time would be a gift to members of the Islamic group it would give them time to regroup to repel the Israeli offensive.

“The people who are now calling for a ceasefire do not understand Hamas. That is not possible. It would be a great gift for Hamas because they would dedicate the time that there was a ceasefire to rebuilding their weapons, creating stronger positions to be able to defend themselves against a possible attack by the Israelis,” said the former Secretary of State during an interview with Hamas. The Jerusalem Post and perhaps that is where the fact that the Columbia university students have decided to include it in their act of protest derives from.

Keep reading:

* Hillary Clinton says a ceasefire in Gaza would be a gift to Hamas terrorists

* “Israel does not have a plan for Gaza after the war ends,” experts warn

* Hundreds of patients remain trapped in a northern Gaza hospital after Israel ordered their evacuation