Tuesday, October 8

Halloween 2023 rituals to eliminate negative energy

Halloween, the spookiest season of the year, arrives with a charm of the supernatural. It’s not just the folklore of ghosts, demons and witches; It is a moment in which the boundaries between our world and the spiritual realm blur.

This heightened spiritual connection also amplifies our psychic energy, so we may be more susceptible to negative energy.

Why you should keep an eye out during Halloween? The season falls under Scorpio, a zodiac sign associated with mystery, the occult, and hidden truths.. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, and Mars, the Planet of War. He rules the 8th House, related to magic and the supernatural. This intense and enigmatic sign encourages us to explore the darkest facets of existence.

As Scorpio season unfolds, deep emotions are awakened, often revealing our dark side and sometimes externalizing these negative emotions as psychic attacks.

To effectively navigate the energy of Halloween, consider practicing one of these 5 Halloween rituals suggested by astrologers from the Astrology Answers site.

1. Protection ritual

Water, linked to psychic abilities, plays a fundamental role in this ritual. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) share a deep emotional connection and emotions drive psychic abilities.

Fill your bath with spiritual cleansers like sage, white candles, and psychic protection crystals. Epsom salts offer detoxification.

As you immerse, visualize yourself enveloped in a radiant white light that repels negative energy. The strength of your display directly correlates to your protection. Bring black tourmaline, citrine, or clear quartz into the bath.

2. Halloween pumpkin ritual

Halloween pumpkins not only bring joy but also offer a powerful ritual. By placing them outside your home with white candles, you invoke abundance and signal negative spirits to leave. The light of white candles welcomes positive spirits and dispels negative ones.

Halloween rituals
Halloween night is perfect to connect with your most mystical side.
Credit: Shutterstock

3. Costume ritual

The Halloween tradition originates from 12th century Samhain, when priests and priestesses dressed in costumes, a precursor to modern trick-or-treating. By dressing up during Halloween, you send a message to the Universe and negative spirits: you are an equal soul. Your costume signifies fairness and justice, and attracts positive energy.

While dressed in your Halloween costume, affirm: “I dress up and reject all negative energies. They are absorbed by this disguise and cannot harm me.” Curses directed at you are absorbed by the costume, which you can remove after Halloween.

4. Psychic intuition ritual

Scorpio season improves psychic intuition. Go to nature (a park for example), preferably during the day or night, to perform this ritual, since nature improves intuition. Hold your quartzes in your palm to increase your psychic abilities.

Close your eyes, calm your thoughts and breathe deeply. She now repeats: “I ask the energy of Scorpio season to improve my intuition, my positivity and protect me from negative forces.”

5. Iron ritual

Iron, often seen on the doors of haunted houses in horror movies, repels negative spirits. If you don’t have iron doors, place iron knickknacks or nails in a jar outside your house, on window sills or door frames.

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• The best Halloween costume 2023 for your zodiac sign
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