Thursday, October 10

October 2023 lunar eclipse: what to do and what not to do

Known for their ability to reveal shocking secrets and set the stage for shocking changes, Eclipses have a unique power in the field of astrology.

This October 28, 2023, at 4:24 pm ET a powerful full moon will appear in Taurusaccompanied by a lunar eclipse, a celestial event that is ready to bring surprises.

While some may be unsettling, there is also the possibility of good news and astrologers tell us how to successfully navigate its powerful energies.

An astrologer explained to Bustle that the lunar eclipse of October 28 It will be activated with Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, an alignment that brings potential opportunities that did not materialize at the beginning of the year.

As the eclipse unfolds, the heavens may have an unexpected gift in store for each of us, said Narayana Montúfar, expert astrologer.

To make the most of this event, they published some Recommendations of what should and should not be done during the lunar eclipse in Taurus.

The November full moon is an eclipse
The lunar eclipse in Taurus portends changes and astrology tells us how to navigate them.
Credit: Shutterstock

Strengthen your creativity- The presence of strict Saturn in visionary Pisces suggests that tapping into your artistic side during this period can produce fruitful results.

Keep a dream journal to capture those innovative ideas that may occur while you sleep. Creativity and intuition increase during this time.

Let go and accept change– Full moons in Taurus often make us feel like the universe is taking something out of our hands.

Instead of resisting, embrace the transformative energy of this eclipse. Remain open to the changes that may come your way, whether they involve breakups, sexual encounters, or unexpected life changes.

Keep looking forward– With Taurus ruled by Venus forming a harmonious sextile to Saturn, it’s an ideal time to focus on your long-term creative goals.

The eclipse may present unforeseen twists and challenges, but remember to enjoy the journey, including the inevitable upheavals that arise as you pursue your passions.

Save money: Taurus is associated with indulgence in comfort and luxury. With the moon and lucky Jupiter aligned, it may seem like financial abundance is on the horizon.

However, eclipses are known for their unpredictability. Adopt financial prudence, as unexpected expenses can arise when you least expect it.

What not to do during a lunar eclipse

try to manifest: Astrological wisdom advises against manifestation during an eclipse. Eclipses are known to be agents of chaos and bring unexpected twists.

While your goals may show signs of progress, they are likely to manifest themselves in unconventional ways. Instead of fighting for control, focus on purging your emotions and decluttering your physical space.

Make hasty decisions: While full moons are often considered opportune times for action, eclipses are characterized by unpredictability and chaos.

This lunar event aligns with a confrontation between Mars and Jupiter, creating room for conflict and irritation. It is advisable to refrain from making hasty decisions, signing contracts or undertaking new projects.

Escape from challenges– This moment encourages you to employ problem-solving skills and guide others to success, whether in their career or love life.

Patience may be tested, but your determination will get you through.

Keep reading:
• 4 signs of the zodiac will be the most affected by the last eclipse of 2023
• Scorpio season 2023: what’s in store for your zodiac sign
• Which zodiac signs are the luckiest until the end of 2023