Friday, September 20

If you have one of these iPhone models you will have to say goodbye to updates

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By Julian Castillo

12 Oct 2023, 17:47 PM EDT

The fever of the latest release of the iPhone 15 and the new iOS 17 is at an all-time high, and Apple users are enjoying a feast of innovation. However, andThere is a group of users who, unfortunately, will be left behind in this exciting update race.

Before you get too worried, we should clarify that these iPhone models will still work. If you take good care of them and stick to the most basic tasks for which they were designed, your old iPhone will still be useful. But there is a small detail: as applications advance and require more space and processing power, You may face some difficulties in installing the latest apps.


The most surprising thing about this list is that these models were in the most recent updates, just before the arrival of iOS 17. The next ones in line, unfortunately, will not receive any updates. According to Apple standards, a device is considered obsolete when it turns seven years old.. So, without further ado, here is the list of iPhone models that will no longer receive love from Apple:

– iPhone

– iPhone 3G

– Iphone 4

– Iphone 4s

– Iphone 5c

It’s time to accept reality, if you’re still using one of these models, it’s time to consider upgrading to a newer device.. Technological advancements continue at a frenetic pace, and falling behind means missing out on many of the new features and improvements Apple offers with each update.

So, if you are one of the lucky owners of one of these classic models, perhaps it is time to start thinking about making the jump to a more modern device. Your next iPhone could bring you a whole new experience!

When does a device become obsolete?

It is important to understand why Apple decides to turn its back on these older models. The main reason is the constant advancement of technology. With each new version of iOS, Apple introduces performance, security and feature improvements. These upgrades typically require more processing power and hardware resources. Older models simply cannot keep up with these increasing demands.

Additionally, Apple sets an average support period of around seven years for its devices. Once a model exceeds this deadline, the company tends to stop providing updates as it considers the hardware to have reached the end of its useful life. This doesn’t mean that the devices immediately become useless, but it does mean that they become vulnerable to security issues and can’t take advantage of the latest features.

Keep reading:
– iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro Max: Apple’s top of the range surprises with these 5 features
– iPhone 15: Price, features and official release date
– iPhone 15 Pro Max was not able to pass this durability test despite its titanium frame