Tuesday, September 17

Former mayor of Veracruz murdered while taking his son to school

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By The opinion

12 Oct 2023, 2:41 PM EDT

Violence in Mexico is present every day in different ways, shocking those who witness it, as happened in the municipality of Gutiérrez Zamora, in the state of Veracruz, when the former mayor Wilman Monje Morales He was shot to death outside the school where he went to drop off his youngest son.

The crime occurred under the eyes of dozens of parents who were also taking their children to class, The attackers shot the former mayor nine timesAccording to the La Silla Rota portal, the armed men intercepted their target and executed him without saying a word.

Local media reported that motorcycle assassins murdered Monje Morales, intercepted him when he was going down the school steps and fled after the attack, leaving their victim lying on the public road bleeding to death.

José Manuel Del Río Virgen, candidate for governor of Veracruz for the Citizen Movement (MC) party, assured that The victim would run for mayor of Tecolutla in 2025. Meanwhile, the leader of the party in Veracruz, Sergio Gil Rullán, said in an interview that There was a history of attacks against the former mayor.

According to the newspaper Excélsior, Wilman Monje Morales was known for his efforts on behalf of the community and his strong stance against crime during his period as mayor. Although the motives behind the attack remain unclear, its brutality has highlighted growing concerns about the safety of public officials in the region.

During his mandate -from 2018 to 2021-, The former mayor faced the murder of his private secretary At the end of his administration, Alberto Cancino Álvarez, who was said to be his candidate for municipal presidency. With these crimes, there are five officials executed in the municipality in a period of five years.

They murder a councilor in Guanajuato

That same day, another state plagued by violence recorded a crime against a politician, because in the center of the municipality of Salvatierra, Guanajuato, councilor Alejandro Lanuza Hernández was shot to death.

His attackers shot him several times, and although Red Cross paramedics took him to a hospital, he died moments later due to the severity of his injuries.

Keep reading:
– Armed commando ambushed the Mexican police director and killed one of his bodyguards.
– Mayors of Guerrero reveal what it is like to “govern” in a state dominated by drug trafficking.