Saturday, October 26

The 3 luckiest zodiac signs in love

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By The opinion

11 Oct 2023, 17:01 PM EDT

As in everything, there are good days and bad days, but in love, this day there are 3 signs of the zodiac who are the luckiest and This time we will tell you what it is, so pay attention, since you could be one of them.

And this love fortune is due to the fact that the Moon is in transit in trine to Jupiter And it’s not that that erases everything negative, but it does influence three signs so that everything flows in terms of love, romance and relationships.

Furthermore, the influence of Jupiter is great and dominant in love that no one can escape or minimize its power.

So let’s dive deeper into the 3 lucky zodiac signs in love.

1. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Given the transit of the Moon in trine with Jupiter, people born under the sign of Cancer will have no problems respecting the your partner’s limits. And in the past you felt you had the right to trespass on their sacred space, but you must keep in mind that we all need our own territory.

This situation makes you feel free and give freedom to your partner, that is called romantic maturity and you have to enjoy it.

2. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You like to dominate in love, but you realize that in a relationship no one needs to be “the boss”since both have the same importance and decision so that everything goes perfectly.

You finally realize that being dominant in a relationship is not only not fun, but it could be exhausting for the other person.

During the transit of the Moon trine Jupiter You will feel a sense of excitement, spontaneity, surprise, which will enhance your romance in complete freedom.

In astrology, the set of three signs of the Zodiac equidistant from each other is known as a trine.

It is a good time to open the doors of your heart and let yourself be loved, as well as discover how lucky you are in love.

3. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

For people born under the sign of Virgo andIt’s a good time to look for positive things in the field of lovesince it is rare for you to be relaxed in your relationship.

So the transit of the Moon trine in Jupiter helps you lead a more relaxed life in the sentimental aspect to find the positive things in the relationship. So do your part so that your partner doesn’t want to run away, you have time.

Virgo is one of the signs of the zodiac that when it finds its breakeven Not only in love, nothing can take you out of your best area to enjoy the love and peace that you found in your life.

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