Friday, September 20

Why did Luis Miguel burst into tears at his last concert in Chile? | VIDEO

Megan Negrete

This time the Mexican singer Luis Miguel He has surprised us after he unexpectedly burst into tears in what was his last concert of his tour in Chile, nothing more and nothing less.

rarely Luismi has allowed himself to be seen vulnerable before his fans and much less before the cameras of the media. That’s why she was very surprised that she stopped being invaded by feelings and began to cry.

This sparked multiple speculations about the reasons that led him to cry in this way, since various fans pointed out that it would have been due to his separation from his partner, Paloma Cuevas.

Well, the Spanish businesswoman had to leave him since her daughters started school and for that reason she had to return to her home in Madrid to be with them. But the reality would be different.

Precisely for this reason it would have been revealed, according to various Mexican media, that the Mexican singer burst into tears before the effusive ovation of the public who attended his tenth and last concert in Santiago.

The famous Chilean venue was resoundingly full, as it managed to make all the Andeans vibrate, and that showed that the night promised to be more than special, because as it was the closing of his series of concerts in the city, expectations were high.

How was the moment when Luis Miguel burst into tears?

After finishing his great performance at the Movistar Arena in Chile, the singer of “La Incondicional” surprised by taking a moment to thank his followers for having attended and dedicated themselves to each of his concerts.

This speech was overshadowed when, Luismi was clearly overwhelmed by the response from his audience. What caused the interpreter of “Cold like the wind” to drop a few tears.

Well, absolutely the entire venue surrendered to him with the voices chanting his name and the sustained applause created an atmosphere that not even the singer of “No sé tú” himself could resist.

This moment immediately went viral on social networks for being so moving for many fans, so various fans did not stop replicating it.

With thousands of fans and not so fans commenting on the artist’s authenticity and humanity, proving that behind the icon there is also a human being.

“Micky ended up crying and it killed me”, “I saw her little tears fall into her little green eyes that turned red. I was 1 meter from him, or 2 ”“ He ended up very emotional at his last concert in Chile, it killed me to see him like this ”, There were some comments that generated this reaction from Luis Miguel.

Cristian Castro is hurt with Luis Miguel

the mexican singer Cristian castro once again he decided to talk about Luis Miguel, because he decided to reveal his true relationship with his compatriot, and at the same time he made an unexpected request, since he assures that he would like him to be more affectionate.

It was during the transmission of the show program “De Primera Mano” by Grupo Imagen, an interview was released that Cristian Castro offered to talk about Luis Miguel. In which the interpreter of “Raining stars” he sent a strong message to the interpreter of “Surrender”.

Without holding anything back, the singer of “Azul” said that he was present at one of Luis Miguel’s concerts, but unfortunately he did not receive any greeting. He confessed that “El Sol de México” is a person who takes great care of his image and apparently that was the reason why he ignored him.

“He is a serious person. He is a boy who is very committed to his career and his image. I wish he was more affectionate ”


Given this, Cristian pointed out that, being compatriots, he would expect more camaraderie from Luis Miguel, since he assures that it did not cost him anything to give him a greeting. But apparently he still does not forgive him for having been romantically related to one of his sentimental ex-partners. She denied that he has any problem with “El Sol de México”.

“We are compatriots, we owe each other a greeting” CRISTIAN CASTRO

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