Sunday, September 29

Argentine scientist managed to manufacture ecological batteries thanks to a particular ingredient

Julian Castillo

Florencia Jerez, a prominent Argentine researcher, has captured the attention of the scientific community and the interest of the general public thanks to a truly innovative achievement: the creation of a new generation of ecological batteries from used yerba de mate. This revolutionary advance is the result of a project that he started in collaboration with his team in 2019, with the aim of harnessing the properties of yerba mate for energy storage.

The process behind these batteries is fascinating and sustainable. First, the used yerba mate is collected from the waste generated by the yerba industry, which represents an abundant and cheap source of raw material.

This material then undergoes an activation process that transforms it into high-quality activated carbon. Finally, activated carbon is used to make the essential electrodes in the operation of batteries.

The key to this success lies in the richness of tannins found in yerba mate, which are ideal for the production of activated carbon.. This resulting material has an exceptional capacity to store large amounts of energy in an efficient and sustainable manner.

The advantages of these yerba mate-based batteries over traditional batteries are remarkable. First of all, its production is highly sustainable, since it takes advantage of organic waste that would otherwise be discarded.

Also, these batteries have a significantly longer lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacement. And to top it off, they are cheaper to manufacture, which could have a positive impact on the affordability of energy storage technology.

The work of Florencia Jerez and her team does not stop here. Currently, they are dedicated to further improving the efficiency of these batteries and exploring the possibility of applying them in a variety of devices, including electric vehicles.

“We saw that in other countries plant residues were being valorized to produce activated carbon and we decided to try yerba mate,” he said..

His innovative vision and commitment to sustainability promise a bright future for this exciting yerba mate-based battery technology.

This new type of yerba mate-based batteries could become an extremely interesting solution in the future if they manage to achieve levels of energy storage comparable to those offered by other materials. less friendly to the environment. The promise of a technology that combines energy efficiency with environmental sustainability is an ambitious but much-needed goal in a world where demand for energy continues to grow.

Keep reading:
– Wireless charging: does it damage the battery of your phone?
– Why the battery of your phone lasts less and less
– What is adaptive charging and how can it help you extend the life of your phone’s battery